
Google Spam update

Google has released the June 2024 Spam update!...

Consolidating the content suitability section

Menachem Ani Ⓜ️ found out that Google is consolidating the content suitability section for...

Google is boosting the Google Pay API

Arpan Banerjee found out that Google is boosting the Google Pay API!...


Just reached 75K what a milestone! Still have 25 to go to reach my goal! For more tips...

Merchant Next Center update 🚨

Victor Sellés Guillemat shared that; – Starting in July, most accounts will begin...

Change your media spend

Big update shared by Thomas Eccel & Daniel Nunez Rodriguez. If Meta can get a 22%...

YouTube Subscriptions and Engagement

Thomas Eccel found this campaign goal, looks like the Subscriptions and Engagement goal is...

Latest GML updates

On Tuesday 6/25 Ginny Marvin will dive deeper into the latest updates from GML with Purna...

Conversion recorded time

Parth Shah found out that modeled conversions can be assigned up to 12 days after the...