Google Ads news week 21

Below you find all the news from week 21

Ads in Generative Search

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This is how Ads will look in the new version of Google Search.

GTAG Merchant Center

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Tony Zara found out that Google has launched a new GTAG conversion tracker for Merchant Center for the Free Listings.

Improved search terms are live

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Christian Lemke, Google Ads Expert already has insight into the improved search terms. Here you can filter on top performing, trending and top demand.

Google has replaced the Trusted Store Badge with Top Quality Store Badge.

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Stores can earn this badge if they have:

– Fast shipping

– Generous return policies

– A high-quality website

– Exceptional user ratings(source).

Overview of all the Google Marketing Live announcements

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Below you find an overview of all the announcements from Google Marketing Live.

The articles that Google uploaded were written in 6 subjects: Pmax & Search, Display & 360, App, Conversion tracking, YouTube, and Retailers. Below every subject you find the article/source.

Pmax & Search Ads features:

– new conversational experience in Google Ads

– new ads experiences with generative AI

– improved automatically created assets

– new brand restrictions for broad match

– improvements in Smart Bidding

– top search categories

– new customer high lifetime value

– prefills

– revamped asset creation flow in Performance Max

– new tools for creative studio

– new types of experiments(final URL)

– improved search term insights

– improved performance insights

– new asset insights

– Merchant Center Next will replace Merchant Center(source).

Display & Video 360:

– optimized targeting

– PAIR is now widely available to advertisers and publishers in Display & Video 360

– connected TV (CTV) measurement(source).


– product feeds

– promotion assets

– seasonality adjustments

– more support for enhanced on-device conversions

– new SKAdNetwork integrations(source).

Conversion tracking:

– manage first-party data more easily

– simplify how you set up enhanced conversions

– use offline conversion adjustments to drive higher ROI(up to 7 days now)(source).


– expand YouTube creative assets with AI-powered tools

– impact forecasting is coming to Google Ads/YouTube

– adding in-feed video ads and expanding Shorts into Video reach campaigns(already announced a month ago)

– video view campaigns

– demand gen campaigns

– lookalike segments(source).


– new customer high lifetime value and later this year, they are adding a new re-engagement goal

– product- and category-level optimization opportunities

– local offers on products for YouTube in-stream ads and show item availability and variable pricing based on customer location(source).

New symbol for product and brand consideration

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Google is now using a heart symbol for product and brand consideration campaigns. Before they used ✨.

Goodbye, custom video campaigns

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In one Ads account, I found out that custom video campaigns are split into:

– get views

– efficient reach

If you want to optimize for video views select the get views. For impressions, you chose efficient reach.

New Symbols in Ads

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In the assets overview of one Google Ads account I now see symbols before the assets.

Headline & Description Assets

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Kevin Kaneria saw Headline & Description as an option under Assets. Keep in mind that this is still in beta. But very nice to see.

Merchant Center Link with social media accounts

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Emmanuel Flossie found out that Google Merchant Center has recently introduced a new feature that links your social media accounts to Merchant Center.

This option is for now US-only.

Feed-only Pmax error

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Matt Cocking and other people are having some problems with creating feed-only Pmax campaigns. For the full discussion check this post.

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