
Google Ads newsletter – week 34 sponsored by

Week 34 Google Ads news Outdated Ads Even Google is running outdated ads! Found by Arpan...

New search ad format

Ankit Saxena discovered that Google is testing a new search ad format that resembles...

Remarketing Audience for YouTube viewers

Georgi Zayakov discovered that when creating a remarketing audience for YouTube Viewers...

Google can disable your conversion tracking!

Starting from April 2024, Google has begun to ramp up their consent audit program to...

GA4 update!

Google now processes the session_start event more completely when your property is linked...

Broad match benefits

Some examples of the benefits of using Broad match and what these signals do. Want to test...

Account growth

Consolidating can help you sometimes grow your account! Below is an example how this works...

Merchant Center Rollout

Google has announced that by September 2024, all retailers will be upgraded to the new...

GA4 Bug?

It looks like GA4 has a bug, Data for yesterday and today isn’t being recorded...