Google Ads news week 30

Below you find all the news around Google Ads from week 30

Google Ads Trademark Policy

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This Monday Google updated their Google Ads Trademarks.

Google will accept and process trademark complaints only against specific advertisers and/or ads.

Trademark restrictions implemented before 24 July will be phased out for most advertisers in 12-18 months.

New Improved Search Terms Insights

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Mike Ryan & Stefan Stopper found the new improved Search Terms Insights report in Google Ads, which was announced at Google Marketing Live.

New Merchant Center feature

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Emmanuel Flossie found this new feature in Merchant Center called all collections.

This new feature represents a group of products. Each collection can include up to 100 products.

Collections help advertisers create rich Ads and free product listings in a simpler way.

You can also enrich product data, which may increase performance and improve the user experience.

For more information check this article.

New Label

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Thomas Eccel just sent me this text where you can see that Google is showing this “New” label.

Change Image and location assets

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Google has uploaded again that next week on August 2, 2023, new accounts will only be able to create image and location assets and not extensions.

New upgrade tools

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Google is going to roll out tools to upgrade Dynamic Search Ads and Display campaigns to PMax(source).

Alphabets Ad revenue has grown

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Alphabet has beat expectations with higher revenue.

The total Ad revenue has grown year on year.


– YouTube ad revenue has grown by 4.4%

– Google network saw a decrease in revenue of 5%

– Google search & others saw a growth of 4,8%.

New Modification for Pmax Targeting

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I think ðŸ‘‹ Petya Yildizgoren was the first one to find out that you can modify your Pmax targeting with the Performance Max Campaign Modification Request Form. Interesting feature(link to form).

Add videos with different dimensions

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Benjamin Vandenberghe found out that you can now add your videos with different dimensions in the same ad.

GA4 Metrics in Google Ads

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Thomas Eccel found out that in some accounts you can now see the GA4 metrics.

New in Merchant Center Next

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New in Google Merchant Center Next customer support!

Google updated Local Service Ads reviews dispute form

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Mike Blumenthal found out that Google has updated the Local Service Ads reviews dispute form.

Consent management platform requirements

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Google has announced that they will begin to apply the new consent management platform requirements on January 16, 2024 for publishers that use AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob.

Update shocking content

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Google sent a mail that on 30 August, they will update shocking content in the Google publisher Restrictions.

This update will include an exception for gameplay imagery. In the message below you can read when the content is shocking in gameplay.

Looker studio updates

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Google had released some new best practices documentation and some other product updates:

  • Reference bands that let you compare data against a range of values on your charts
  • Vertical reference line support for Area & Time series charts
  • Line style options that let you customize the appearance of lines in your charts
  • Moving average trend line that lets you visualize a moving average calculation of the data on your charts
  • Improved single-select options for list controls(now, you can select one and only one value when this option is enabled.)

For more information check this article.

Product rating update

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Google is going to update the product rating policies on 28 August 2023.

The update has extra clarifications for a lot of policies.

Google also announced a new policy on automated content, Google wrote that they don’t allow reviews that are primarily generated by an automated program or artificial intelligence application.

Google is also providing more guidance on how they enforce policies. For more information check this article.

New features GA4

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Friday Google announced that you can now use third-party segments with GA4 audiences on Google Ad Manager.

You can now also set a default conversion value in GA4.

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