

Pmax Exclusions gone?

Thomas Eccel and Meltem Balci found out that it looks like audience exclusions can’t...

My First Masterclass

January 9 2022 I decided to buy the first masterclass from PPC Mastery. I already followed...

Version 1.7

Some updates I made this week to the Google Ads Settings template: – Added a...

Linkedin Premium Company Pages

LinkedIn has introduced Premium Company Pages, featuring six additional features aimed at...

People also say

Brodie Clark found out that Google is now testing with the People also say section...

Privacy control guide GA4

Google has uploaded a guide for privacy control in GA4. For more information...

GA4 – Plugin updates for Google Sheets

Brais Calvo Vázquez found out that Google has added the following features to the official...

Key Takeaways Engage High-Value Customers with Shoppable YouTube

Georgi Zayakov shared these Key Takeaways from the event Key Takeaways Engage High-Value...

More Card Ads?

I’m seeing more and more card ads showing up again! Even with reviews...