

Google Ads newsletter – week 49

10 sitelinks test Arpan Banerjee found this test from Google where they are showing 10...

Pictures in Ads

Pictures are becoming more and more important in Ads. Google started a while ago by...

Google Ads Newsletter Returns Sunday at 12:00!

Sunday at 12:00 The Google Ads newsletter goes live again! If you want to stay up to date...

Google Ads new identity verified badge!

Anthony Higman found this new Identity verified badge in Google Ads...

Things to know

Khushal Bherwani found out that Google is showing the Things to know in snippets...

Google admits AI viral video was edited to look better

Tiago Goncalves just shared this news with me For more information, please refer to this...

30 day low price

Brian F. found out that Google is showing the 30-day low price in Google Search...

4 GA4 updates in a row

4 GA4 updates in 4 days… That’s a lot of 4’s 😂 In the latest update...

Google’s New Consent Mode Update for European Traffic

Simo Ahava found out that Google has released a new document on the update to consent mode...