Google’s new Demand Gen guide

Craig Graham discovered that Google released a new Demand Gen guide

In this guide you will find:

1: Creative
2: Audiences
3: Conversion Health
4: Campaign Structure
5: Bidding Strategy
6: Budget Setting

A small summary:

Creative Approach: Utilize both images and videos to craft a cohesive narrative that resonates with your audience. Prioritize assets that perform well across various platforms, particularly focusing on mobile.

Audience: Develop a core audience profile using data to target both existing and new customers. Utilize customer data for remarketing and customize segments and search terms for targeted audience reach.

Conversion Health: Ensure accurate conversion tracking by enabling sitewide tagging and setting up conversion tracking. Optimize bidding strategies to enhance efficiency, with maximizing clicks bidding providing valuable insights.

Campaign Structure: Employ consolidated campaigns for maximum
performance, utilizing a single campaign for your business and combining similar audience themes within the same ad group for improved performance.

Bidding Strategy and Budget: Select bidding strategies based on campaign goals, such as maximizing conversions, maximizing conversion value, or maximizing clicks. Set sufficient budgets to support campaigns, with a recommended minimum of $100 per day per campaign.

For more information read:

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