

Goodbye Ad customizers

Navah Hopkins found out that Ad customizers will stop working for expanded text ads and...

Ad group settings button

Thomas Eccel found out that Google has made an ad group settings button. Before it was...

PPC Hub discount + free Google Ads template

The PPC Hub is open again and they have a limited-time offer “get 6 months of access...

Upcoming Google Events

Some of the upcoming Google Events that you can join – Pmax Masterclass– Meet...


6 months ago I had 30.000 followers on LinkedIn to get to that point it took me around 1.5...

Own the feed!

You can claim more room in the feed. If you make use of a larger picture. This is...

GTP-4 Turbo is live

Arpan Banerjee just sent me this message that the new version of GPT-4 Turbo is live!...

Google’s latest video’s!

This week Google has uploaded 4 new videos on their Google Ads Channel focused on smart...

Google shopping revamp!

Khushal Bherwani found out that his Google shopping experience has got a revamp! The...