

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile stops with price ranges and a custom call to action...

Google is okay with AI content?

Google said that if content is helpful & created for people first it doesn’t...

Latin America Ecommerce Growth

Latin America will outpace Worldwide Ecommerce and Digital Advertising Growth in 2023...

New in Merchant Venter

There is a new option in Merchant Venter named shipping improvements. Credits: Tiago...

ChatGPT update

ChatGPT released an update on Tuesday that improves the chatbot’s accuracy...

Google Ads Bug

Currently, there is a bug with creating more RSAs when other RSAs are paused. Google knows...

First GA4 release 2023

With this GA4 update, Google now provides an item-scoped and event-scoped version of each...

Microsoft Retail Advertising Network

Microsoft launched an pilot for retailers to monetize their website traffic. Brands will...

Google Maps 360

Google Maps can now show 360 views of some famous buildings. Wanna try it yourself?...