

Campaign Manager integration GA4

Charles Farina found out that the Campaign Manager integration for Google Analytics 4...

View rate insights

Yesterday Benjamin Vandenberghe found out that view rate insights are now split up by...

X moved Ad label

X has moved the placement of Ads! Its now smaller and called Ad. Before it was promoted...

Update Google Ads Gambling and games policy Brazil

On August 28, 2023, the Google Ads Gambling and games policy Brazil...

GA4 SKad Network Integration

Thomas Eccel found out that the GA4 SKad Network Integration is out. With this...

New setting Google Ads

Dario Zannoni & Yoann FERRAND found out that there is now a optimized...

July documentation update from Google Search Central

July documentation update from Google Search Central! For more information about these...

Google Canvas

Google has introduced a new feature exclusively for Canvas that allows users to create a...

Similar Audiences

Today all similar audiences will be removed. This is due to the phasing out of third-party...