
Linkedin’s newest auto recommended reactions!

Felipe Girão found these new auto recommended reactions on LinkedIn!...

Google’s newest CSS spotlight video!

On 3 October Google is releasing a new CSS Spotlight video!...

Google Ads newsletter – week 39

Special Google Ads newsletter Offer! Get 100 dollars off the God Tier...

Help Page for ‘Virtually Try-On Clothes

Dario Zannoni found out that there is now a help page with feed requirements and best...

About this result Generative Experience

Search Engine Land found out that Google has added about this result to the Generative...

Google’s New Tool Blocks Bard and Vertex AI

Google has introduced Google-Extended a new control tool to block Bard and Vertex AI...

Broad or Exact?

Navah Hopkins wrote and very detailed article where they analyzed 2637 accounts...

Google Introduces Video View Campaigns for YouTube

I already posted about it a few days ago but now Google has officially announced video...

Microsoft Ads with no label

Frank Sandtmann found these Bing Ads with no proper label! They only have a sentence above...