

14.000 subscribers!

We have reached the milestone of 14.000 subscribers! Around 4000 people have subscribed in...

How to grow on LinkedIn

The last 28 days have been crazy with LinkedIn impressions! Now impressions are not...

Singles’ day

The Singles’ Day, originally called Bachelors’ Day, is a Chinese...

Pmax changes 2023

Below you find the Pmax changes from 2023. Keep in mind that we have different phases: the...

ChatGPT users will soon have access to more up-to-date information!

The OpenAI chatbot will be trained on information up to April 2023(only for paid) OpenAI...

Left filter

Nayan Prakash found this left filter. This is the first time for me that I see a filter on...

Lead funnel view

Thomas Eccel spotted this lead funnel view in Google Ads! I have never seen this funnel...

Shopping interface

Glenn Gabe & Barry Schwartz found out that Google Search is showing an interface were...

You can steer on these things in Google Ads

Google Ads is based on keywords and you steer on those of course but you still have other...