

Broad Match enabled = prioritized as exact 😲

Anthony Higman found out that the new feature broad match enabled will be prioritized as...

Significant declines since January 6th

Recent LinkedIn metrics research from Richard van der Blom shows significant declines...

Looker Studio forum moved to Google Cloud

The Looker Studio Community on Google Cloud is now open to all Looker Studio and Looker...

Google’s new suite of guides

Google recently published a new suite of guides on how to create Performance Max campaigns...

Users last 5 minutes GA4

Barry Schwartz found out that Google now shows also users from the last 5 minutes. Before...

Pausing Google Ads Keywords

Georgi Zayakov just sent me this message that has been uploaded by Google on the developer...

Goodbye transit_time_label

Emmanuel Flossie found out that Google has removed the documentation about the...

Google Ads referral program?

Anthony Higman & Barry Schwartz found this Google Ads Referral program. Is this new?...

Set Away LinkedIn messages

Currently on vacation? With the Set Away option, you can people who send you messages...