

Updates to Healthcare and medicines policy

In June 2024, Google will update its Healthcare and medicines policy to allow advertisers...

Global advertising revenue growth estimate

GroupM researched the paid industry and revealed that the industry will surpass 1 trillion...

Google’s upcoming workshop

Google is holding an upcoming workshop on July 17 for Pmax and the Google Ads API. You can...

Google Ad Manager updates

Google Ad Manager is introducing updates to give publishers more control over direct sales...

Google Analytics 4 now supports custom event data import

With this feature, you can use a combination of standard fields and event-scoped custom...

Choose for me

Arpan Banerjee discovered this Choose for me section in GA4. Can’t remember seeing...

Conversion paths report

Jordan Fry found out that video impressions are now part of the conversion paths report...

Connect if you know each other

LinkedIn has now a new text under the follow button! With Connect if you know each other...

Catch up

LinkedIn has a new section called catch-up. Here you can find Birthdays and job changes...