Bid Strategy

Choosing the Right Bid Strategy for Your Google Ads Campaign

When setting up a Google Ads campaign, it’s essential to choose the right bid strategy based on your business goals. Google Ads offers several bidding options, each tailored to different objectives, such as generating traffic, increasing conversions, or boosting brand visibility. Understanding which bid strategy best fits your campaign goals will help you optimize performance and budget.

Understanding the Different Bid Strategies

  1. Focus on Conversions with Smart Bidding Smart Bidding is an automated bidding feature that uses Google’s AI to optimize your bids for conversions or conversion value. It factors in various real-time auction signals (such as device, location, and time of day) to adjust bids for each individual auction, helping you get the best results based on your goals. There are several types of Smart Bidding strategies to choose from:
    • Target CPA (Cost Per Action): Optimizes for conversions while targeting a specific cost per action (CPA).
    • Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Focuses on maximizing conversion value while targeting a specific return on ad spend (ROAS).
    • Maximize Conversions: This strategy automatically adjusts your bids to maximize conversions within your set budget, without targeting a specific CPA.
    • Maximize Conversion Value: Similar to Maximize Conversions, but it focuses on maximizing the value of the conversions rather than the number of conversions.
    • Enhanced CPC (ECPC): Adjusts your manual CPC bids automatically to help maximize conversions while still giving you control over your bids.
  2. Focus on Clicks with CPC Bidding If your goal is to drive traffic to your website, consider one of the following cost-per-click (CPC) strategies:
    • Maximize Clicks: This automated strategy optimizes your bids to get the most clicks within your daily budget. It’s simple to use and ensures you’re maximizing traffic.
    • Manual CPC Bidding: If you prefer more control, you can set individual bids for specific keywords or ad groups, adjusting based on their performance.
  3. Focus on Visibility If you want to increase the visibility of your ads, you can use one of these bidding strategies:
    • Target Impression Share: This strategy automatically sets bids to ensure your ads appear in specific positions on the search results page (e.g., top of the page, absolute top).
    • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions): Ideal for YouTube or Google Display Network campaigns, this strategy pays for impressions rather than clicks.
    • tCPM (Target CPM): Set an average bid for how much you’re willing to pay for every 1,000 impressions, and the system will optimize to reach your target audience.
    • vCPM (Viewable CPM): This manual strategy is useful for campaigns aimed at increasing awareness, but not necessarily driving clicks. It optimizes bids based on the number of viewable impressions.
  4. Focus on Views or Interactions (for Video Ads) If your campaign involves video ads and the goal is to increase video views or interactions, CPV (Cost Per View) bidding is the strategy for you. With CPV, you pay for each video view or interaction with your ad, such as clicks on call-to-action overlays or companion banners. Target CPV allows you to set a specific amount you’re willing to pay per view.

Choosing the Right Strategy Based on Your Campaign Goals

  • Conversions: If you want to focus on conversions (e.g., purchases or sign-ups), use Smart Bidding strategies such as Target CPA or Maximize Conversions.
  • Traffic: To drive traffic to your website, consider using Maximize Clicks or Manual CPC Bidding.
  • Brand Awareness: For improving brand visibility, consider Target Impression ShareCPM, or vCPM.
  • Video Engagement: For increasing views or interactions with video ads, use CPV or CPM strategies.


The key to successful bidding is selecting the right strategy that aligns with your campaign’s objective. Google Ads offers various bid strategies to optimize for clicks, conversions, views, and impressions. By understanding your goals and choosing the best-fit bidding strategy, you can maximize the performance of your campaigns, reach your target audience effectively, and ultimately achieve a higher return on investment.