New Looker Studio updates

Google officially launched these new Looker Studio updates:

Group Others Feature in Various Chart Types

The “Group Others” setting allows aggregation of data that falls outside specified limits into an “Others” category, facilitating comparison against the rest of the data.

This feature is available for:

– Table charts
– Time series charts
– Bar and column charts
– Pie charts
– Line and combo charts
– Area charts
– Pivot table charts
– Treemap charts
– Expanded Data Label Customization

The Style tab’s Data label section now offers enhanced customization, including options for font type, color, size, styling, background color, opacity, and border radius.

These options apply to:

– Area charts
– Bar and column charts
– Line and combo charts
– Time series charts

New Bin Calculated Field Type

A new “Bin” calculated field type allows for the creation of numeric tiers for dimensions without using CASE WHEN expressions or SQL logic.

Color by Tooltip Option for Timeline Charts
A new “Color by tooltip” option lets users color timeline charts based on tooltip dimension values.

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