Below you find all the Google Ads news from week 19
Campaign-level Headlines and Descriptions
Dario Zannoni found new documentation about what looks to be a new feature called Campaign level Headlines and Descriptions(documentation).
Ad inspector
A week ago Google announced that they are launching new testing features on ad inspector across all platforms for AdMob and Ad Manager publishers(source).
CPV Metrics
Thomas Eccel found out that CPV metrics now show more decimals(source)!
Run ad campaigns based on real-time data
Do you want to run ad campaigns based on real-time events like weather or sports results? You can now use the If This Then rule that is made available on Github.
New conversion action in Google Ads!
Google has introduced new conversion actions in Google Ads:
– Google business call
– Business profile learn more
– Business profile tracked call
These conversion actions are for now secondary and not available in all accounts(source).
New policies
Google will add malicious software to the list of egregious policies.
Ads in the new Google
Google will have ads in the new version of the search engine!
These ads won’t have any tracking that shows if the ads impressions and clicks are coming from the normal Google Search or the new Google Search.
Advertisers won’t be able to opt out of showing ads in this version.
New symbols RSA’s
Today I saw these new symbols in my Google Ads RSA’s!
Ad blockers YouTube
Google is experimenting with a new way to restrict people who are using ad blockers on YouTube.
New options Dynamic Remarketing Campaign
Boris Beceric ✅ found some new options in his dynamic remarketing campaign:
– asset enhancements
– auto-generated video
– native formats
– dynamic ad options
– call-to-action text
– custom colors
For more information check his post.
AAR’s in account settings
Dario Zannoni found out that in some accounts you can see in the account settings how many recommendations you have auto-applied.
This version looks better because normally the AAR’s are hard to find(source).