Google Ads news week 16

Below you find all the news from Google Ads week 16.

Audience insights in Ads library

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Dario Zannoni found out that the Google Ads Library now shows audience insights directly.

Vehicle Ads out of beta

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Yesterday I wrote that vehicle ads are available in the US and Canada but this was still a beta.

Now Google has officially announced vehicle Ads for all Canadian advertisers.

They also told that it will expand to other countries(source)!

Upgraded attribution

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Yesterday Google announced that ads now import fractional, cross-channel web conversion credits from GA4!

Two weeks ago some people already saw the upgraded attribution in their Google Ads account. I think they were the first advertisers for the roll-out.

Google shares results of interest-based Ads

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Google has shared the results of the interest-based experiment!

This solution performed okay in comparison with third-party cookies.

Some findings:

– spend was down by 2-7%

– conversion per dollar was down by 1-3%

– campaigns that used machine learning performed better

– CTR remained within 90% status quo(source).

New column Merchant Center

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Thomas Eccel found again a new column. This time it is a click potential column in Merchant Center!

Upgrade Search Ads 360

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Google is asking users of Search Ads 360 to upgrade the platform before April 2024.

Some new features that you get with the new version:

– cross-channel support & enhanced reporting

– extra support for text, image, display, video, and app promotion formats.

– templates (automatic campaign builder)

– performance center(source).

Google is busy to Surface More Search Term Data

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Google is busy to Surface More Search Term Data.

Generative AI is coming to Ads

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In internal documents, Google told that they are going to use generative AI in Ads.

This generative AI could be the test that we saw where Google writes your Ad(source).

New option in PMax

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Ivelina Ansarova found this new setting in Performance Max that can create text assets automatically.

New GA4 update

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Google has announced 5 new features for GA4:

– New welcome tutorial

– New banner at the top of the Home page

– Improvements to the suggested section

– Dismiss suggestions, insights, and recommendations.

– Open the Setup Assistant from anywhere.

Google renamed FLEDGE

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Google has renamed FLEDGE to Protected Audience API.

They renamed it because they think it gives a better explanation.

FLEDGE is a proposal to serve remarketing and custom audience use cases, designed so third parties cannot track user behavior(source).

Google AdMob updates

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Google has announced some updates for Ad Mob:

– more choice through increased inventory access with multiple calls

– improvements to AdMob bidding and revenue optimization(source).

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