Google Ads news week – 13

Below you find all the Google Ads news from week 13

Google Ads Safety report

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Google has released the yearly Ads Safety report. Some finding:

– 5.2 billion ads were blocked or removed for violating policies

– 4.3 billion ads were restricted

– more than 6.7 million advertiser accounts were suspended for egregious policy violations.

– more than 1.5 billion ads were removed from Google Ads

– Google added or updated 29 policies for both advertisers and publishers in 2022(source).

Ads Transparency Center

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Today Google announced the Ads Transparency Center. In the Ads Transparency Center you can find all ads served by verified advertisers.

Other things you can see:

– which ads were shown in a certain region

– the last date an ad ran, and the format of the ad.

The rollout of the Ads Transparency Center should be done in the coming weeks.

Link to slides & video Product Kickoff H1 2023

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This week I got the email with all the slides from the Product Kickoff H1 2023 & the on-demand video.

Update Government documents

Google is making two new updates for Government documents and official services policy. The first change:

– the date that Google is enforcing policy changes is changing from March 31, 2023 to May 24, 2023

– Google is removing Germany as a region-specific exception under “Public road access fees and passes(more information).”

New Search terms insights for responsive Ads

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Kevin Kaneria shared this new beta that shows the search term insights for each responsive ad!

New Gmail format?

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Denie Geertzen shared this interesting Gmail Ad format with me that I have never seen before. Looks like this is a new Ad form for Gmail.

Verified advertiser

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Wow! Google is testing with a blue tick mark icon on Search ads(source)!

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