Google Ads news week 11

Shopping 360-degree label

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Google is testing the 360-degree label on product listings(source).

Electric bike Ads

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In the US Google now allows ads for electric bikes that can reach a top speed of 28 mph.

Search terms gone?

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In the Google Ads interface of Deivis Rupslaukis the search terms appear under the insights & reports tab!

In my interface, I still see them under keywords but maybe this will also change soon.

Google Ads Editor 2.3

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Google has launched Google Ads Editor 2.3. This new version gives advertisers new possibilities like:

– import and export images

– full support for the assets: images, automatically created assets, locations, and business information

– opt-in or opt-out of text asset automation for Performance Max campaigns

– editor supports Discovery ads & campaigns with product feeds

For all the new updates check the Google page.

Item-level custom parameters

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Google announced that GA4 can now process item-level custom parameters from the ecommerce events.

The item-level custom parameters can be registered as custom dimensions and used in explorations.

With item-scoped custom parameters, you can see more information about items on your website/ app.

5 updates for Google AdSense

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Google AdSense has implemented 5 updates to the auto ad settings:

– there is a new ad gallery displaying examples of each format

– every format now has its own unique icon

– the control for banner ads and multiplex ads are now separate

– the in-page ads format is now known as banner ads

– categorizing the formats into two groups based on their behavior. With the Overlay formats group and the In-page formats group.

More information.

Custom channel groups

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Google announced that Custom channel groups will be available in GA4!

Text in asset library

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Geert Groot spotted the new possibility to store text in the asset library in Google Ads!

YouTube updated guidelines

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YouTube is now allowing more profanity in videos.

Moderate profanity is eligible for full ad revenue, while strong profanity can receive limited ads.

This update comes after creators raised concerns that YouTube’s profanity policy was too strict.

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