Results of different bid strategies

An interesting study from Optmyzr about the results of different bid strategies!

Takeaway from the study:

Bidding strategies should be tailored to campaign goals and account maturity. No single approach (Smart, Manual, or Auto) is inherently better, but performance depends on execution and an account’s stage in terms of conversion volume.

Many advertisers use a mix of strategies, leveraging the strengths of each at different phases.

Manual and Auto bidding are generally more effective in early-stage accounts, as they are not reliant on conversion data and offer learning opportunities around auction pricing.

As the account grows, Smart bidding can be tested, especially once 50 conversions have been achieved within 30 days.

Importantly, success isn’t solely dependent on budget size. Low-spend accounts (under $10K) often performed well, with higher conversion rates and better metrics like CPA and CTR compared to high-spend accounts.

However, having a solid conversion volume is crucial—accounts with fewer than 25 conversions generally underperformed compared to those with over 50, regardless of the bidding strategy used.

Even Manual bidding showed better results when more conversions were present.

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