Overview of all the Google Marketing Live announcements

Below you find an overview of all the announcements from Google Marketing Live.

The articles that Google uploaded were written in 6 subjects: Pmax & Search, Display & 360, App, Conversion tracking, YouTube, and Retailers. Below every subject you find the article/source.

Pmax & Search Ads features:

– new conversational experience in Google Ads
– new ads experiences with generative AI
– improved automatically created assets
– new brand restrictions for broad match
– improvements in Smart Bidding
– top search categories
– new customer high lifetime value
– prefills
– revamped asset creation flow in Performance Max
– new tools for creative studio
– new types of experiments(final url)
– improved search term insights
– improved performance insights
– new asset insights
– Merchant Center Next will replace Merchant Center

Source: https://lnkd.in/eRQWwN5D

Display & Video 360:

– optimized targeting
– PAIR is now widely available to advertisers and publishers in Display & Video 360
– connected TV (CTV) measurement

Source: https://lnkd.in/epyX7cpA


– product feeds
– promotion assets
– seasonality adjustments
– more support for enhanced on-device conversions
– new SKAdNetwork integrations

Source: https://lnkd.in/e8eFQjV8

Conversion tracking:

– manage first-party data more easily
– simplify how you set up enhanced conversions
– use offline conversion adjustments to drive higher ROI(up to 7 days now)

Source: https://lnkd.in/ehJeQQYh


– expand YouTube creative assets with AI-powered tools
– impact forecasting is coming to Google Ads/YouTube
– adding in-feed video ads and expanding Shorts into Video reach campaigns(already announced a month ago)
– video view campaigns
– demand gen campaigns

Source: https://lnkd.in/eAyRZ5C5


– new customer high lifetime value and later this year, they are adding a new re-engagement goal
– product- and category-level optimization opportunities
– local offers on products for YouTube in-stream ads and show item availability and variable pricing based on customer location

Source: https://lnkd.in/eigkkNDC

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