New Updates for Display & Video 360:

Report Files Download List in Instant Reporting:

Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 will introduce a new page in Instant Reporting that allows users to view the status of downloaded reports and access them once they’re ready.

User ID Redaction in Data Transfer Files:

Later this year, Google will begin redacting user IDs in Data Transfer files for Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 for users located in Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Montana. This is in response to new privacy legislation coming into effect, similar to the CCPA-related redactions implemented in California in 2020.

First Position Targeting for YouTube Instant Reserve:

Advertisers will soon be able to use first position targeting in Instant Reserve campaigns to boost brand awareness and engagement. This feature ensures ads are the first ones viewers see in their YouTube sessions and will be available for both in-stream and Shorts campaigns.

Additional Third-Party Measurement Support:

The measurement vendor Audience Project will now support on-by-default enablement for third-party reach measurement for YouTube and partners line items. Enablement can be requested by contacting support directly via chat or email.

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