Microsoft’s enhanced conversions update

Arpan Banerjee just send me an update about enhanced conversions for Microsoft! Besides this update Microsoft has also uploaded a summary of the updates provided in February:

Enhanced Conversions:
– Microsoft is introducing Enhanced Conversions to help advertisers adapt to changing privacy regulations.
– Enhanced Conversions allows advertisers to utilize privacy-safe first-party data like email and phone numbers to improve conversion tracking accuracy.
– It enables tracking of cross-device conversions while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

New Targeting Capabilities:
– In-market audiences for company size and job titles are now available in the US/CA markets, leveraging LinkedIn profile information.
– This targeting capability is available across display, native, and connected TV platforms.

Simplified Campaign Creation:
– Microsoft Advertising has streamlined the campaign creation process, allowing advertisers to set up campaigns in just a few steps.
– Advertisers can choose their campaign goal, select the appropriate campaign type, and follow the steps to set up their campaign quickly.

Update to Hotel Center Subaccounts Deprecation Date:
– The deprecation of subaccounts in Hotel Center, originally scheduled for February 6, has been paused in response to customer feedback.
– Advertisers can continue to manage their campaigns through Hotel Center for the foreseeable future.
– Advertisers are encouraged to migrate to Lodging Campaigns to avoid disruptions, and once migrated, they should bid down all bids to zero in Hotel – Center to effectively stop serving campaigns.

Updates to Asset Reporting:
– Responsive search ad (RSA) campaign asset reporting is now available at both the campaign and ad group levels.
– Advertisers can access this data by selecting the campaign or ad group and navigating to the Assets grid, which will include assets from the selected campaign or ad group.

These updates aim to provide advertisers with enhanced tools and capabilities to reach valuable audiences, streamline campaign management, and adapt to evolving privacy regulations.

For more information, please refer to this link!

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