Google Ads newsletter week 28

Personal data from the EU to the US

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Personal data can now flow safely from the EU to the US(source).

Update Ads to circumventing systems policy

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From July 2023, Google Ads’ Circumventing Systems policy will be updated to explicitly prohibit repeated and simultaneous policy violations across multiple accounts.

Violations of this policy will result in immediate suspension of your account without prior warning advertisers will also be permanently banned from advertising.

Update confidence level

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Luuk Fiets found out that you can now update the confidence level of experiments in Google Ads!

Product performance includes more results

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Tiago Goncalves found out that product performance now includes more product results. This is because Google now includes traffic from product images and website links that led to a product detail page.

GA4’s new documentation for setting traffic sources

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Charles Farina found out that GA4 has new documentation for setting traffic sources for GA4 Measurement Protocol. In the picture, you see an example that Charles made! For more information make sure to check his post.

Automated created customer match lists

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Thomas Eccel found out that you can opt-in to automated created customer match lists on account level in Google Ads.

Progress bar in Ads

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Tiago Goncalves found that Google is now showing a progress bar in Ads!

Ads in Google Explore section

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Barry Schwartz found out that the Google Explore section now also shows Ads.

New Google Ads enhanced conversion set up for OCI

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Thomas Eccel found out about this new Google Ads enhanced conversion setup for offline conversion imports!

Page feeds documentation Pmax

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Dario Zannoni found out that Google already had uploaded the Page Feeds documentation.

Page feeds are not live at this moment but Google announced them in February.

For more information read this article.

Outcome-based buying will be deprecated

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From August 1, 2023, outcome-based buying will be deprecated in Display & Video 360.

Generic mutate support

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Google announced that it’s supporting new generic mutate functionality in Ads scripts.

With these new functionalities, you can create full campaign hierarchies and new conversion actions.

For more information read this article.

Bad results Demand Gen Ads Alpha product

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It looks like Ben Kruger is not happy with the new Demand Gen Ads. Are there more people with bad or good experiences? Feel free to react.

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