Google Ads newsletter – week 12 sponsored by

Google Ads

Your target CPAs have been reduced to your daily budget

Felix Duerler found this notification! Have you guys seen this before? Is this triggered by an AAR? I barely use those…

Closed beta offsite retail media campaigns

Retail media is on the rise due to its mutual benefits for retailers and brands, especially as third-party cookies become obsolete.

To capitalize on this trend, Google has launched a closed beta for offsite retail media campaigns in Search Ads 360 (SA360).

This solution aims to leverage retailer data while protecting consumer privacy, allowing brands to reach consumers off retailer websites and drive sales.

The beta includes features for self-service campaign management, enabling brands to have more control and transparency over their media investments.

Google is partnering with retailers like Lowe’s to expand this offering, aiming to increase efficiency, scale, and performance in retail media advertising.

The focus is on protecting shopper information, providing improved reporting, and streamlining campaign management for brands.

As more retailers join, brands can benefit from common metrics and streamlined workflows across multiple retailers.

Google plans to continue enhancing retail media solutions within SA360, supporting additional campaign types and features to drive greater performance.

For more information read this article.

Requests per minute per project

Georgi Zayakov just sent me that on April 2, 2024, the Display & Video 360 API will institute a new project-level quota of 1500 total (read and write) requests per minute per project and 700 write requests per minute per project to help protect our infrastructure and improve the stability of the API for the overall community.

All Display & Video 360 API requests that a project makes will count towards this new quota.

Social extensions

Hana Kobzová found social extension under the automated assets. Are these making a return?

New Pmax field

Amir Hajizadeh found this new field in asset generation. Here they ask what makes your product or services unique!

EMEA product Kickoff

I made a special newsletter edition. Where you can read every announcement of the EMEA product Kickoff! If you want to get the updates check this edition.

Conversion tracking + credit

Natasha Kaurra just sent me this message that shows that you can get 300 dollars us credits for new accounts and free conversion tracking! Interesting to see that they are using this as a call to action.

Enhanced by Google Ads

Hana Kobzová just found this Enhanced by Google Ads source. I can’t remember seeing this before so looks new.

Ads Policy Monitor

Christoph Scherf shared a new open-source solution to help advertisers analyze ad policy violations in Google Ads at scale.

Simulate campaign changes

Annelies Pijffers found this new setting where you can simulate campaign changes!

New auction element in documentation

Dario Zannoni found this new documentation in the Google Ads auction docs called “The competitiveness of an Auction,”.

It suggests that if an ad’s rank significantly exceeds its competitors, it might incur a higher cost per click due to the increased certainty of winning.

This departure from the expected bidding dynamics prompts questions about its prevalence and impact on ad auctions.

The factor has been documented in older help documents, and the updated help article provides further insights into this aspect of the auction process.

New insights tab

Google has added a new card in the insights tab for trends that you aren’t running Ads for! Found by VIVEK GUPTA.


Google Marketing Live is already open to register. Still 61 days before it begins. Register here.

WhatsApp CTAs Google Ads

Nick Blom from Conversation24 – conversational commerce platform just sent me this breaking news!

Google Ads has introduced: WhatsApp CTAs. This allows users to bypass forms and directly engage with advertisers on WhatsApp.

It enhances conversions by facilitating instant conversations, enabling real-time engagement, and providing effortless communication.

It’s for now not available in Europe but it looks like it’s only a matter of time before it will be released in Europe.

Pmax developer guide

Georgi Zayakov has sent me that Google has released a dedicated Performance Max developer guide making it easier to access information for building Performance Max integrations. Key updates include:

– Performance Max content has its own tab in the main navigation of the developer documentation, with a dedicated landing page and improved navigation.

– A new guide on Structure requests has been added to help with constructing requests for creating and updating Performance Max campaigns.

– Business goals in the documentation have been more clearly identified and renamed.

– Standard Performance Max is now referred to as Performance Max for online sales or lead generation, while Performance Max for Retail is now called Performance Max for online sales with a product feed.

– The Performance Max integrations Blog Series has been improved.

This article is part of an ongoing series discussing new and upcoming features. Further updates and improvements can be expected on the developer blog, and feedback on Performance Max integrations is encouraged, with support available from the team.

More Characters for Video Headlines?

Anthony Higman & Darius Chiosa Chiosa just discovered that Google is probably getting ready to raise the character limit for video ad headlines.

The existing limit of 15 characters can be upgraded to:

-100 characters for in-feed video ads

-30 characters for non-skippable in-stream ads

New help page cloud retail

Darius Chiosa Chiosa discovered that Google has introduced a new help page detailing the integration of Cloud Retail as a destination within the Google Merchant Center.

Users can access this feature in the “Manage Programs” section, but it’s exclusively available to cloud customers and can only be accessed within the standard Merchant Center interface, not in Next.

Users can manage inclusion in Cloud Retail using two specific values: “cloud_retail” and “local_cloud_retail,” which can be assigned to both the “destination_included” and “destination_excluded” attributes.

For more information read this page.

Pmax sync your GMC

Thomas Eccel discovered that you can now import your Pmax and sync your whole Google Merchant Center into your Microsoft Advertising.

Experiment error?

All Floris de Schrijver his experiments are showing wrong stats and don’t deliver as they should. Do you guys experience the same problem?

New demand gen guide

Craig Graham discovered that Google released a new Demand Gen guide

In this guide you will find:

1: Creative

2: Audiences

3: Conversion Health

4: Campaign Structure

5: Bidding Strategy

6: Budget Setting

A small summary:

Creative Approach: Utilize both images and videos to craft a cohesive narrative that resonates with your audience. Prioritize assets that perform well across various platforms, particularly focusing on mobile.

Audience: Develop a core audience profile using data to target both existing and new customers. Utilize customer data for remarketing and customize segments and search terms for targeted audience reach.

Conversion Health: Ensure accurate conversion tracking by enabling sitewide tagging and setting up conversion tracking. Optimize bidding strategies to enhance efficiency, with maximizing clicks bidding providing valuable insights.

Campaign Structure: Employ consolidated campaigns for maximum performance, utilizing a single campaign for your business and combining similar audience themes within the same ad group for improved performance.

Bidding Strategy and Budget: Select bidding strategies based on campaign goals, such as maximizing conversions, maximizing conversion value, or maximizing clicks. Set sufficient budgets to support campaigns, with a recommended minimum of $100 per day per campaign.

For more information read the guide.

Sponsored Ads Google Pay

Arpan Banerjee just found this sponsored Ad in Google Pay! Very interesting that they target you after you pay.

More publishers data

Hana Kobzová & Axel Falck discovered that publishers can now access detailed pricing information for billable ads shown to EEA users.

Share Pmax assets

A few weeks ago Google shared that you will get the functionality to share your Pmax assets even with people without a Google Ads account. Scott Carruthers now found this functionality live.

You can check if it’s live in your account at Asset group > Preview Ads > Share > Copy Link> Share the link.


Enhanced conversions are live for GA4 (open-beta)

Google Analytics has released the user-provided date now! With this update, you’re no longer required to send a user ID before you collect user-provided data from your website or app.

User-provided data collection enables enhanced conversion support for Google Analytics 4 conversions.

Enhanced conversions allow Google Analytics to produce a more complete picture of cross-device and conversion measurement and attribution using first-party data.

User-provided data collection also provides demographic and interest reporting based on first-party data and consented Google signed-in user data, helping to future-proof measurement without depending on third-party cookies.

To send consented, first-party data from your website using user-provided data collection, you must link your Google Analytics property to your Google Ads account. For more information read the announcement.

Conversion are now officially becoming key events

Google has made an update that aligns conversion definitions across Google Ads and Analytics, introducing key events in Analytics to replace conversions for behavioral analytics.

This ensures a consistent view of advertising performance. Key events will help measure important behaviors on websites and apps.

Conversions in reports will become key events, offering unified reporting experiences.

Advertisers with linked Google Ads accounts will see consistent conversions in the Advertising Workspace and get cross-channel conversion reporting.

Future updates will bring additional conversion reporting and tools for advertisers.

Also, news google announced and repeated that it:

– rolling out support for the Chrome Privacy Sandbox’s Protected Audience API in Google Analytics 4 in the next few weeks,

– recently ramped up support for enhanced conversions in Google Analytics 4

– made it easier to pass consent choices to Google Analytics 4 by implementing Consent Mode

Week 12 finished

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