Google Ads newsletter – week 1

Google Ads news

Advertise with different business names

Yash Mandlesha🎯 found out that Google now allows advertisers to use a different business name in their assets.

Advertisers can make this change with the help of their trademark registration number.

Note that some people already have seen this before, but I have not. Could be a slow rollout.

New Pmax insights

Patrick Gehn found this new overview that shows you the reasons and explanations for the change in costs or conversion values for Pmax.

New Troubleshooter?

Is this troubleshooter and AI help guide new in Ads? Or have I been using the Help Guide not for a while…?

New location report

Arpan Banerjee found this new location report tab inside the smart campaign setup.

New Consent Overview GTM

Matteo Zambon found this new overview for Cookie Consent in the GTM Bugger. In this overview, you see different colors for Cookie Consent!

Start of Cookie Depcreation

This week Google started with phasing out 1% of the cookies! Near Q3 Google will phase out all the cookies.

Protect your performance with tools like Server Side tagging, enhanced conversions, and Consent mode V2.

Policy Update Delaware

In January 2024 Google will begin to accept and run ads for sports betting from state-approved entities in Delaware.

Week 1 finished

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