Google Ads news – week 43

Inappropriate image notifications

Tiago Goncalves found out that Google is now also showing inappropriate image notifications for Discovery/Demand Gen Ads. Very interesting to see that they show this for top-of-funnel campaigns.

Frequency Control Vignette Ads

Barry Schwartz found out that Google Adsense rolled out frequency control for Vignette Ads. With these Ads, Adsense publishers can show full-screen ads between page loads. 

Keep in mind that Adsense publishers can own the placements you see in your placement reports. That’s why Adsense news is also important for PPC’ers.

New campaign type YouTube

Emir Bayutmuş found this new campaign type for YouTube!

Dynamic Overview Carousel

I already posted about this change a few weeks ago but now more and more people are seeing the new Dynamic Overview Carousel! Credits to Anthony Higman.

New GA4 recommendation

Google officially introduced a new recommendation to download Google Analytics directly in the UI.

Device Models Demand Gen Ads

Thomas Eccel found out that you can now select specific device models, operating systems, and networks on the campaign level for Demand Gen Ads.

New GA4 resources

Google has put together new resources to guide users through 5 different ways to get more useful GA4 data.

Roll out new admin section

Himanshu Sharma got this new pop-up of the new admin section. Looks like the new admin section is slowly rolling-out.

New in Google Ads excluded themes 

Arjan Schoorl found this new feature excluded themes! With excluded themes, you can exclude the following themes:

– Content suitable for family

– Games (fighting)

– Games (mature)

– Health (sensitive)

– Health (source undetermined)

– News (recent)

– News (sensitive)

– News (source not featured)

– Politics

– Religion

These themes are replacing the content label: content suitable for families.

Expanding support for YouTube select

Google is expanding support for YouTube Select forecasting in ReachPlanService to additional markets on November 14, 2023. 

They introduced two new error codes in v15 of the Google Ads API to support these new markets. If you use this feature, make sure you update your code before November 14, 2023.

AR Beauty Ads

Google has launched AR Beauty ads for lip and eye products. Beauty ads offer a tool that lets consumers preview what different products might look like on themselves.

Product Kickoff H2 2023

You can now watch the Product Kickoff H2 2023 back!

Pmax Search Themes

Thomas Eccel & Navah Hopkins just released that Google has increased Pmax search themes up to 25 per Audience Signal and launched new best practices. Search themes only work for Google Search.

Custom segments

Tiago Goncalves sent me this picture! Could search themes replace custom segments, I think it can. Maybe this creates more reach again.

LSA competitors

Anthony Higman found out that Google is now showing competitors in LSA after you send your message to a company.

Tag Manager Update

You can now export and import your debugging sessions within Tag Assistant.

Google Vacation Rentals update

Rudolph Dekker found out that Google has introduced a new feature to enhance the vacation rental search. 

When users search for vacation rentals on Google and click on a property, they’ll be able to see multiple sites. 

Rudolf stated that his new feature will roll out in most parts of the world by November 2023, with more updates planned for 2024.

GA4 BigQuery update

Google has officially announced the rollout of item-scoped parameters in the GA4 BigQuery export report.

Image extensions

Xavier Mantica found out that Image extensions are gone from the interface. He saw this message in the Editor.

Ad revenue market growth 2023 Q3

A few of the biggest companies have released their Ads revenue and all of them have grown year on year:

– Amazon 26% total: 12,060 million

– Google 9,5% total: 59.647 million

– Meta 21% total: 33,643 million

– Snapchat 5% total: 1,189 million

– Microsoft 10% total: (could not find, estimate from Imran Ansari 🤓 3,300 million)

Hopefully, all the advertisers are getting enough value for the extra dollars they gave to these companies 💸 . 

It’s also interesting to see that Microsoft is not really winning market share although a lot of people thought that with the acquisition of ChatGPT that would happen.

Maximizing peak webinar Q4 2023

Tiago Goncalves shared these slides with me! Keep in mind that this is Google’s advice, so think about every recommendation before you implement it.

Week 43 finished

That’s all the news from week 43! If you want to read more news check my website if you want to support the newsletter visit my Patreon.

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