Google Ads news – week 17

Google Ads news week 17!

Pmax Brand Exclusion

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Thomas Eccel found the new Pmax Brand Exclusion that is now available as beta(source)!

New Validations Google Ads

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Starting in June new Google Ads accounts can not include a URL in their account name.

Gold verification badge

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Google is now testing a gold verification badge or label(source)!

Show similar button

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Google is testing in Ads with a show similar button(source).

New structured snippet headers

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Thomas Eccel found out that automatically created structured snippets have new headers like highlights, options, or benefits.

These new headers can’t be found when you create manually new snippets(source).

New PMax update

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Felix Kohmaier found out that Google has released reporting on asset group level for Pmax!

You can find this reporting on the table view. When you arrive there you can adjust the columns with metrics like:

– performance metrics

– attributes

– conversions

If you don’t see this reporting don’t worry the roll-out can take some time(source).

Ads API 13.1

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Google Ads API 13.1 is out! If you want to check the changes click on the link.

Youtube new ad solutions

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YouTube is launching new ways to help advertisers connect with Gen Z audiences.

These new options are Gen Z Music and a Trending Music on Shorts pilot(source).

UA historical data

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Google has announced that UA historical data will be available until July 1, 2024(source)!

Google Ads update product/service policy

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Google Ads has updated its dangerous product/service policy(source).

New version Mike Rhodes script.

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There is a new version of the script from Mike Rhodes.

It looks like this version has the zombie products!

With this script you can visualize where PMax spend is going to(source).

New Gmail Ads between emails?

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A few weeks ago Denie Geertzen sent me a message with a new format of Gmail Ads.

Today Floris de Schrijver also saw these new Ads. After a discussion about the new format Thomas Eccel was sharp on the position of this Gmail Ad, which appears between mails.

I have never seen a Gmail Ad between emails. Is this a new position for Gmail Ads?

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