Google Ads news – November recap

Google TV Setting

Thomas Eccel found a new default network setting in his Video Campaign called Google TV. This setting is for now US-only. The ads from Google TV can appear in video streaming apps available with Google TV.

New the Ads Privacy Planner

Google has launched a tool called the Ads Privacy Planner. With this tool, you can answer a few short questions about your Google Ads setup, and Google then recommends measurement solutions to power a privacy-first ad strategy.

Flip video Pmax

Maximilian vom Eyser revealed that flip video ads are now also being introduced to PMAX as well.

Horizontal videos will automatically be flipped into horizontal assets. With this feature, you can get extra reach for example YouTube Shorts Flip video ads are activated by default and assets can be seen on asset group level within PMAX campaigns from this week!

New Google features for the Holiday Season

Google released these features for the Holiday Season:

Small Business Attribute: Google is introducing a new “small business” attribute on Search and Google Maps.

Merchants can identify themselves with this attribute, and products from these businesses will be labeled as “small businesses.”

This helps shoppers support local and small businesses intentionally. Small merchants in the U.S. can add this attribute through Google Merchant Center, Business Profile, or via partners like Etsy.

Product Studio: Google is rolling out Product Studio, a set of AI tools within Merchant Center Next, to help merchants create and manage product imagery.

It includes an AI-powered scene generation feature allowing products to be placed in various creative scenes.

This feature can generate holiday-themed scenes and provides prompts for inspiration.

Product Studio aims to help merchants diversify their product imagery efficiently.

Enhanced Business Information on Search: To build trust with unfamiliar businesses, Google is expanding the information shown in the knowledge panel on retailer searches.

This panel now includes details such as current deals, shipping and return policies, customer service information, and ratings and reviews.

This information is sourced from Merchant Center and other authoritative web sources. The goal is to provide shoppers with helpful information and enhance their confidence in making purchases.

Update Your Deals: Merchants are encouraged to update their promotions and deals in Merchant Center.

Google’s Shopping Graph, which understands billions of listings, ensures that shoppers see the latest promotions.

Merchants can add their deals to Merchant Center and review settings to optimize deal visibility.

Google is also working on new ways to help shoppers discover merchant deals during the holiday season.

These tools and features are designed to help businesses represent themselves authentically and effectively connect with shoppers during the holiday shopping season.

Processed enhanced conversions

Tiago Goncalves shared this message with me! Looks like Google is now showing how many conversions have been processed with enhanced conversions!

Ads Editor 2.5

Google has released Ads Editor version 2.5. For the list with changes check this article.

New policy requirements for location assets

Google will be implementing updated policy requirements for location assets in Google Ads starting from December 20, 2023.

The changes involve restrictions on certain types of location assets. Assets representing locations that are closed, not recognized by Google, or do not match the business advertised (excluding affiliate locations) will not be allowed.

Additionally, assets with products or services inconsistent with the specified location will be prohibited.

If a location asset violates these policies, it will be marked as “Disapproved” and cannot be used in ad campaigns.

Advertisers can appeal disapprovals through the Google Ads UI. Advertisers are encouraged to review the updated policy to ensure compliance.

Lead funnel view

Thomas Eccel spotted this lead funnel view in Google Ads! I have never seen this funnel before.

Performance Max welcomes generative AI

Google and Thomas Eccel just released that generative Asset generation is now rolling out in the US! Google already showed us these features earlier during GML.

You can use text-to-text and text-to-image prompts to refine or generate new images and text.

AI-powered asset generation for Pmax will be available as a beta to all advertisers in the U.S. by the end of the year.

New shopping features

Google has released new shopping features for the US:

– Dedicated Deals Page on Search

– Discount Notifications in Chrome

– Price Insights in Chrome

– Price Tracking and Alerts

These updates help users easily find discounts, track prices, and receive notifications for price drops, enhancing their holiday shopping experience.

Dedicated Deals Page on Search: Google has launched a new deals destination on Search where users can find on-sale products from various websites in one place. The page organizes millions of promotions from different retailers, allowing users to browse deals in categories like apparel, electronics, toys, and beauty.

Discount Notifications in Chrome: Chrome now proactively searches for discount codes to help users save money while shopping. When users open a new tab, Chrome displays products recently viewed on shopping sites with active promotions. Additionally, users can click on the Discount tag icon in the Chrome address bar to view available coupon codes from the site they’re visiting.

Price Insights in Chrome: Google is bringing its price insights feature, previously available on Search, to Chrome on desktop. When available on a shopping site, users will see a “Shopping insights” label in the Chrome address bar. Clicking on it opens a new section displaying the product’s typical price range and a price history graph for the last 90 days.

Price Tracking and Alerts: Users can now set price drop alerts from both Search and Chrome. In Chrome on mobile, users can click the bell icon next to a product name to receive email and push notifications if the product’s price drops across various retailers.

Additionally, users can bookmark products in Chrome on their desktop, enabling them to receive price tracking updates if available.

Automated promotions beta

Emmanuel Flossie and Clarice Lin shared that Google has launched an automated promotions beta!

Performance planner conversion action

Thomas Eccel found out that you can now choose a specific conversion in your performance plan!

Demand Gen Experiment

Thomas Eccel found that for the new Demand Gen Experiments you can A/B test different videos and images!

Upgrade to Google Ads API v15

Tiago Goncalves shared this important message with me! Make sure you upgrade your Google Ads API to v15 if you are using the Ads API. This is necessary for users in EEA.

Pacing budget

Raman Yadav found out that Google is now showing the pacing budget on account level!

5 pictures in one Ad

Google is now testing with 5 pictures in one Ad!

You may also like Ads

Glenn Gabe found out that Google is testing with You may also like Ads.

Change history update

Arpan Banerjee found out that you can now see the change history based on performance or user.

Conversion data Pmax

Thomas Eccel found out that you can now see conversion data in PMax audience Insights.

Shorts Pmax store visits

Maximilian vom Eyser has announced that store visits for Pmax now also include YouTube Shorts.

Pmax redesign add products section

Hana Kobzová found out that Google has redesigned the way advertisers add products to Pmax:

– A new title has been added to the product addition section, enhancing readability and navigation

– Google added a checkbox that allows for the quick enable/disable of products within your campaigns.

Cost & product fluctuations Pmax

Slobodan Jelisavac found out that he now can see data for Cost fluctuation on a weekly/monthly level as well as fluctuation in cost by-products.

Pmax Products

Thomas Eccel found out that you can now segment your products by Brand and Custom Labels.

Comparison Control GA4

Thomas Eccel found out that GA4 has launched a new comparison control feature!

Conversions become key events

Simo Ahava found out that Google is renaming conversions to key events in GA4.

GA4 updates

GA4 has now officially announced the following updates:

– new admin section

– scheduled e-mails

– Increased Parameter Value Character Limit for GA4 360 Customers.

DDA Demand Gen

Thomas Eccel found out that Demand Gen campaigns now are supported in attribution reports and DDA.

Premier reach & Reservations

Mihai Ciurea found out that you can now choose Reservations and Premier Reach. You can choose this format if you select Brand Awareness and Reach and then you need to select Video.

If you choose Premier Reach you can access special features and show your ads on top content with bumper, skippable in-stream, and non-skippable in-stream ads. This also includes YouTube Select lineups.

For this feature, you need to enter a placement list or you need to browse through a list of Content.

Shorts-only campaign Pilot

Sources are saying that Google has an alpha program where you can buy ads for only the Shorts placement. For more information make sure you read this article.

GA4 Import site Metrics

Freek Kampen found out that Import site metrics from GA4 into Google Ads are back.

Seasonality Adjustments App Campaigns

Thomas Eccel found out that seasonality adjustments for App campaigns are now live(beta).

Forecast Video View Campaigns

Emir Bayutmuş found out that you can now get a forecast for Video View Campaigns in the reach planner.

Automatically created assets by default

Thomas Eccel found out that Automatically created assets are now turned on by default.

Warning system Google Ads

Martin Muron found this new warning system in the Google Ads policy tab.

Budget simulator

Google rolled out new columns under the head Budget Simulator found by VIVEK GUPTA & Yoann FERRAND.

Roll-out Video View campaigns

Google is now globally rolling out views campaigns. With this format, you can get the most views across all of YouTube’s video formats.

Audience signals App

Emir Bayutmuş found out that you can now use audience signals for app campaigns!

Double budget status

Thomas Eccel found this double status. Looks like Google is testing this new status. Change your bid strategy and raise your budget 😉.

Google Ads Travel Updates

Rudolph Dekker has shared that Hotel Ads Targeting is now live in Performance Max for travel goals.

Keep in mind that it’s not live for everybody and you need to have a hotel center connection.

For Agencies Google is working on creating a higher property limit. The property limit is now 100 properties per campaign. In 2024 Q1 this should be fixed.

Another new update from Google is that property promotion ads are now also triggered by search terms like destination, type, or stay combined with points of interest(more reach 😉 ).

The last update that Rudolph shared was that Performance Max for Travel Goals is now powered by AI. Google uses data like your hotel, location, reviews, and availability for this.

Are you in the travel industry? Make sure that you follow Rudolph Dekker for more information about Google Ads & Travel!

New Pmax Insights

Over the last weeks and months, Google has been giving advertisers more Analytics In the Pmax section, Fırat Dere found these three new analytics sections.

Shorts Placement Live

Kristian Maltzahn found out that the Shorts Placement is live in some accounts. Note these are his accounts it could be that you don’t have access yet. You can find this ad format at Video -> Efficient reach.

New GA4 updates

Google has officially announced the improvement of data sampling and the other row and the turn-on or off comparison.

Consent mode change

Marthijn Hoiting found out that in March 2024 Google will introduce two new parameters for consent mode that will be required for personalized advertising.

I was able to find some more information from Simo Ahava. He told his followers that the two new signals are dedicated to audience building and remarketing use cases.

November recap finished

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