Fusing Google Ads and GA4 data is a PPC super power

You probably already know about N-Gram analysis for Google Ads search terms.

But did you know the huge value of using an N-Gram analysis on GA4 search term data?

Layering in engagement metrics from GA4 means that we can get a really clear idea of n-grams we’re (likely) going to want to add as negatives.

Take this example…

Search terms containing the words “account bonus without” have a 48% bounce rate.

There’s probably a big disconnect here between what these searchers want, and what the business offers, so we should probably add this as a negative.

What’s even cooler is that we could use GA4 data to identify potential negatives *before* we spend a bunch of money to gather the data we’d otherwise need to make an optimisation.

This proactive approach allows advertisers to optimize ad performance, ensuring maximum ROI and efficient use of your advertising budget.

The new beta from Opteo makes this super easy.

If you want to get access to this new feature react with OPTEO and I will make sure they set you up for free.

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