February Google Ads Recap sponsored by ProfitMetrics.io

RSA updates

Teodor Yordanov already saw this change a week ago. Google can now only show 1 headline.

Google stated that this can lead to better performance in some cases! If you want insights into how often only one headline or description shows you can review the combinations report.

If you have assets that are pinned to headline position 1, headline position 2, or description position 1, they’ll continue to show.

Besides this change, Google also announced the roll-out of campaign-level headlines and descriptions.

This is ideal for upcoming sales! The last change that Google announced is focused on automated assets.

Now when you’re opted in to account-level automated assets, Google AI will create assets on your behalf and show them with your ad if they’re predicted to improve your performance.

Before, if you manually created image assets, site links, callouts, or structured snippets, they would always serve in place of their automated counterparts!

Google Marketing Expert Journey

Clemens Schuele reminded me that you can join the Marketing Expert Journey.

This online course helps marketers better understand and use Google’s digital marketing platforms.

With in-depth industry knowledge, you’ll discover advanced techniques to help optimize your campaigns and gain the industry-recognized Marketing Expert Journey certificate.

This course is created for marketing professionals looking to develop their digital marketing skill set in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region. For more information go to their website.

New pop-up conversion removal

Arpan Banerjee found out that you now get a new pop-up when you try to remove a conversion.

Google pushing two solutions for third-party depreciation

Google has sent me two different emails with two solutions for the deprecation of third-party cookies. The solutions are the GTAG and enhanced conversions.

Sitelink with Lines

Barry Schwartz found out that Google is testing with lines between site links in Ads!

Audience insights video assets library

Patrick Gehn discovered these audience insights below his video assets in the asset library!

New feature Custom label audience lists

Dario Zannoni found this new documentation on audience customer type. Audience customer types are labels that you can assign to an audience list to help Google understand what stage of the customer lifecycle the customers in your audience list are at.

This feature can help to optimize your campaigns towards specific types of customers.

As Google releases additional customer lifecycle goals beyond new customer acquisition, such as re-engaging disengaged customers, labeling your audience customer types will become even more important!

Columns update Google Ads

Felix Mayo found out that Google has released an update for the columns. You now have recommended columns.

This column is based on your campaign settings and account settings!

Valentine SERP

Tiago Goncalves just showed me this Valentine SERP! He also saw a valentine call to action that went to a dedicated shopping page.

Hurdle deprecation third-party cookies

Google’s plan to deprecate third-party cookies is facing a hurdle as the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has raised concerns regarding competition issues related to Google’s Privacy Sandbox program.

The CMA has expressed concerns about Google benefiting from user data while limiting competitors’ access, potentially advantaging its ad tech services, and hindering the identification of fraudulent activity by publishers and advertisers.

A delay in deprecation could give brands additional time to explore alternatives. However, Google still has time to address the concerns before the planned deprecation in the second half of 2024.

The CMA is working with Google to resolve these issues and will provide an update in its next quarterly report in April 2024.

The CMA aims to ensure fair competition and is particularly focused on addressing concerns related to the design of Privacy Sandbox tools and preventing self-preference of Google’s advertising services.

For more information visit SearchEngineland.


Christoph Scherf wrote that Google has released an opensource solution to create captivating product descriptions with Gemini Pro. It’s now available on GitHub and it is called Description Genius.

Google is sunsetting Commissions (per Stay) and Commissions (per Conversions) bid strategies!

As the travel industry rebounds and faces technological shifts, Google is adapting to support businesses in this changing landscape.

With upcoming changes such as the phase-out of third-party cookies, Google is transitioning to more durable strategies for business growth.

To address these changes, Google is sunsetting Commissions (per Stay) and Commissions (per Conversions) bid strategies for Hotel Ads by October 2024 due to their reliance on third-party cookies.

Google is now introducing target Return on Ads Spend (tROAS) for Hotel campaigns and expanding Performance Max for travel goals solutions.

Transition timeline:

– February 2024: Commissions (per Stay) no longer accepts new allowlist requests.

– April 30, 2024: Commissions (per Stay) and Commissions (per Conversions) bid strategies will be unavailable within Google Ads.

– October 31, 2024: Campaigns using Commission-based bid strategies will cease, with historical reporting data remaining accessible.

Google recommends transitioning to tROAS or Performance Max for travel goals before October 2024 for continued campaign functionality.

Getting started with the Java Client Library

Google has announced a new video series just published on YouTube channel, titled “Getting started with the Java Client Library”.

The seven episodes guide you through all the steps required to create a Google Ads campaign with the Java client library from scratch. For more information go to YouTube.

New optimization score & recommendation

New optimization score + recommendations in campaign set-up Thomas Eccel found out that Google is now showing the optimization score and recommendations when you create a new campaign!

Announcing iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 11.0.0

Google has announced that version 11.0.0 of the Google Mobile Ads SDK is now available.

Google recommends upgrading as soon as possible to get the latest features and performance improvements. For more information go to this link.

New Ad test

Dario Zannoni found out that Google is now testing with two horizontal ads!

Deprecating Commissions Bidding Strategy

On April 30, 2024, the creation of hotel campaigns with COMMISSION bidding strategy will sunset.For more information visit Google’s webpage.

Select all or clear all

Natasha Kaurra sent me a message today about the new recommended columns. Now I already posted about that one.

But Artur MacLellan also sent me a message with have you already seen the new select all or clear all function.

Now I have not posted about that update! So Google has also implemented this new function into the columns section!

LSA Error

Google investigating a Local Service Ads tactic destroying leads for businesses.

This Google loophole enables competitors to manipulate the system, making your ads invisible without your knowledge.

For more information visit SearchEngineLand.

Linked section > data manager

Looks like Google is going to move linked accounts and tagging to data manager!

Shopping Ads below maps

Sébastien Guillé send me this picture! Is it new that Google is showing shopping ads below maps!

page changing

Natasha Kaurra just send me this message! Looks like Google is improving the sign-in page soon.

New Gmail Ad label

Arpan Banerjee sent me this message where Google is now showing the sponsored label for Gmail instead of the ad label.

New Attribute Bulk_Price

Emmanuel Flossie found out that Google has introduced a new attribute for shopping called bulk_price.

This attribute allows you to offer tiered pricing based on the number of order quantities.

Google pushing more recommendations through mail

Sorry for the Dutch language but Geert Groot found out that Google is persuading us again to use more recommendations. They are doing this with this new format.

New privacy mail

Thomas Eccel & Esther Sauri found out that Google has sent a new privacy feature that gives users more choices over the ads you see.

Google already sent this e-mail a year ago but now they are sending it again or they are launching it in different regions.

Mike Rhodes Script v50

Mike Rhodes 💡 has released The Insights Script v50.

The improvements:

– Fixed some bugs

– added support for campaign name filtering

– improved speed of reports

– improved fetching settings from sheet

– simplified date ranges

If you want to buy the script go to his website.

Search term categories

Search term categories your Ad appears for Arpan Banerjee just sent me this picture.

With the insights beta for search term categories your ad appears for. Not new but looks like more accounts are now getting acces to this feature. Very handy feature.

Crawling 14 days to 21 days

Google is now going to crawl your website for dynamic search ads less frequently. Before it was 14 days now it is 21 days.

Testing Branded Search Local Service Ads

Anthony Higman found out that Google is in the final stage of testing Branded Search Local Service Ads!

The opt-out will be available for everyone and more information will follow soon!

The Region-Based consent update

The Region based content section update was an inadvertent update that will be rolled back to wait for a proper release.(source Simo Ahava)

YouTube expands Ad control

YouTube is expanding Ad control withContent Takeovers, this allows brands to advertise on:

– Entire creator channels

– Custom lineups

– Playlists

– Specific videos(source).

Negative audience segments

Negative audience segments can now only by added in the interface for YouTube. Found by Tiago Goncalves.

ACC fully rolled out

Generative AI for automatically created assets is now rolled out for English language advertisers in the US and UK.

Test with blue text

Arpan Banerjee found out that Google is testing with blue text for the date range.

New email serie

Google has launched a new email series, designed to help partners optimize Google Ads campaigns.

Each email will be customized based on your client’s account setup, along with how Google’s recommended solution can improve campaign performance.

Creator promotions

Tiago Goncalves shared this new YouTube product that is now in open Alpha called creator promotions. With this feature you can use sponsored content videos and promote them as ads!

Gamification certificates

Tiago Goncalves found out that Google is now using more gamification to let users work for their certificates!

Google spacing

Just got a tag this morning from Adil Abbas about the spacing feature in Google Ads! Looks like they are giving more users now acces to this beta feature.

Reminder Enhanced Conversions

Google is now sending me reminders to implement enhanced conversions! Google is now focusing more on enhanced conversions because of the deprecation of third-party cookies.

New Google Ad Manager API

The new Google Ad Manager API is now available this new update brings for example: gross revenue metrics and new error messages. For the full list check this article.

Shipping cost mandatory

Arpan Banerjee received this email that he has to add shipping cost before July 31 for his products to be approved and displayed on Google.

Linked account and tagging moved to data stream

A month ago I already posted that LinkedIn accounts and tagging would be replaced to data streams. Now I have the first screenshots from Natasha Kaurra.

Delivery to collection points

Arpan Banerjee just got acces to the delivery to collection points. You can offer customers faster and more effective shipping.

I found one Google page about the delivery to collections points but that page is broken for me.

Carousel Ads

Arpan Banerjee send me the message that he sees more and more carousel ads in the SERP. I already posted about this a week ago but I also received some images from Tony Southgate. Looks like they are showing these ads to more and more people.

Disputing report IAB Tech Lab

Google is disputing a report by the IAB Tech Lab that claims the Privacy Sandbox could hinder effective advertising and disadvantage smaller businesses.

Google argues that the report contains inaccuracies and overlooks the broader goal of improving user privacy while enabling effective digital advertising.

They provide clarifications in four key areas and express openness to additional feedback from the IAB Tech Lab.

Despite their disagreement, Google confirms its commitment to phasing out third-party cookies and addresses concerns raised by the UK Competition and Markets Authority. For more information visti SearchEngineLand.

Export reach report to Google Slides

Patrick Gehn found out that you can export the reach report to Google Slides!

Reservation Ads

A few months ago Google announced reservation Ads. Around that time you had to contact the team to get acces.

Now Patrick Gehn found some accounts that got acces. Looks like Google is rolling it out.

Reservation Ads includes self-service setup for:

– YouTube Select Lineups

– YouTube Select Shorts Lineups

– YouTube TV Lineups

– Cost-Per-Impression Masthead

– Standard Run of YouTube reservation

Technical Glitch

Google has acknowledged a technical glitch that caused overcharging for a small number of campaigns within Display and Video 360 from July to December last year.

Affected advertisers have been notified via email and will receive credit refunds. Google advises contacting sales teams for more details. For more information read this article.

Vehicle Ads Australia

Effective February 2024, vehicle ads will be available to Australian advertisers. Vehicle ads will be expanded to more countries at a later date!

Consent Warning

Users who fail to comply with the EU user consent policy risk having their accounts limited or suspended. Confirmed by Ginny Marvin yesterday! So make sure to implement Consent mode.

New Demand Gen Documentation

Dario Zannoni found out that Google has released new documentation for Ad Format Preferences in Demand Gen.

Demand Gen video ads can appear in :

– In-stream

– In-feed

– Shorts

When setting videos in Demand Gen campaigns, they automatically show in all three formats.The new Ad Format Preferences feature will give the option to choose video format preferences.

This option will be available when editing or creating Demand Gen ads. For the documentation go to this article.

Tag Manager update

Geneviève Huskens posted that Google Tag Manager now offers native support for Match ID. Match ID is a unique, advertiser-created identifier that can be synced with Google to edit or attribute offline conversions sent to Campaign Manager 360.

Test with different cards

Testing different cards Khushal Bherwani found out that Google is testing with different cards for the carousel ads. Above you see a smaller card. Below you see the other card test.

AI-Generated images Merchant Center update

Arpan Banerjee send me that If you’re using AI-generated images in Merchant Center, Google requires that you preserve any metadata tags which indicate that the image was created using generative AI in the original image file.

These requirements apply to the following image attributes in Merchant Center Classic and Merchant Center Next:

– Image link [image_link]

– Additional image link [additional_image_link]

– Lifestyle image link [lifestyle_image_link]

Minimum and maximum processing time

Thomas Eccel found out that Google is going to introduce minimum and maximum processing time starting from April 9.

Confusing Ad text

A few weeks ago I reported about the error in Google Ads that gave users an error called “confusing ad text”. This problem is now fixed.

Durable Measurement & Data Essentials Google PDF

Arpan Banerjee just send me this PDF yesterday from Google. This is a must read for everybody that has acces to a Google Ads account. Make sure to read it. And thanks for sharing Arpan Banerjee!

New bug called unkown

Thomas Eccel found this new unkown bug for sitelinks.

1-on-1 consultation Gmail

Barry Schwartz found out that Google is pushing 1-on-1 consultation in Gmail.

Google Ads support translate

Thomas Eccel found out that Google Support now has translate!

Future-Proof Your Ads

On 22 February Google held this webinar. A introduction of the webinar:

The digital advertising landscape is transforming. As platforms move away from third-party cookies, advertisers must adapt to prioritize user privacy. In this session Google will tell advertisers more about how to build robust measurement strategies for a cookieless future.

For the webinar check this link.

New Sign-in page

Google’s new sign-in page is live! This is the result.

Choose Personal Injury Lawyers test

Anthony Higman found out that instead Of Just Personal Injury Lawyers, The Newest Callout Test Is: Choose Personal Injury Lawyers.

5 results local queries Ads

Anthony Higman found out that Google is now showing 5 results for local queries in the United States.

Simplify shipping settings

Victor Sellés Guillemat found out that in some countries, Google has implemented advanced functionality in Google Merchant Center that simplifies shipping settings.

All you have to do is add the address of the warehouse from which the orders leave and the preparation time and Google will calculate the delivery time.

The screenshot accompanying this post shows the shipping setup for Germany, but it may work in more countries where the following carriers are used: FedEx, USPS to UPS.

Brand Traffic Analyzer script for Pmax

Mike Ryan from Smarter Ecommerce (smec) just released the PMax Brand Traffic Analyzer script. This script addresses the challenge of tracking brand search traffic within Performance Max (PMax) campaigns.

CRM Audiences need to be re-upload before March 6 in Ads

Google Ads requires a mandatory update for CRM audiences by March 6. After this date, unverified CRM audiences will be inactive, impacting campaign performance.

Clients need to comply quickly to avoid disruptions. This update aligns with Consent Mode V2, necessitating advertisers to reaffirm compliance with Google’s Customer Match policies by re-uploading CRM audiences.

For detailed guidance and compliance, read the official documentation.

Thanks Mihai Ciurea, Geneviève Huskens and Yoann FERRAND for sharing this update.

Guidance Bid Strategy

You can now get guidance in selecting a bid strategy. I think we all know were this leads to normally:)

New Pop-up

Google is now showing this new pop-up. They are really going to push using AI in Ads.


Google is investigating a Local Services Ads bug. This bug is causing businesses to appear in search results for their competitors’ names. For more information go to SearchEngineLand.

New Google Maps App Ad Formats

Anthony Higman found these new Google Maps Ads that recently rolled out with several new location ad formats In Google Ads!

LSA branded Ads

Yoann FERRAND found out that one client of his has been invited to upgrade to Local Service Ads next week. This versions looks like the branded ads for LSA that were announced earlier.

Google Ads Mobile App update

Geert Groot found out that the Google Ads mobile app has been updated it now includs:

– keyword planner

– campaign creation

– asset library

– conversion tracking

– enhanced alerts.

Loyalty program set-up

VIVEK GUPTA found out that Google has introduced a new tab in the menu called Loyalty Program.This feature has not been rolled out for all the accounts and should only be available for merchants in the US.


Christoph Scherf shared that Google has launched an opensource solution to help personalize marketing with Reinforcement Learning called Optimus.With this feature you can offer customized product recommendations or promotions in a data-driven way.For more information visit Github.

Ad User data and Adpersonalization

Anthony Tierney shared that from March 6 you need to fill-in granted for Ad User Data and Ad personalization for Offline conversions!

Add generated images to you to ads

Natasha Kaurra found this tip from Google where they are advising to add Google generated images to your ads.

Search Partner network audit

Yoann FERRAND found out that starting March 4, brands will be able to audit their ad placements on Google Search Partner (GSP) network. For more information visit this website.

Outgoing campaigns

Karthik R found out that for outgoing campaigns you can now also exclude keywords!

TikTok Shop

Ben Kruger found out in January that TikTok shop is now also advertising on Google!

Gabriela Barkho wrote a article about this development.If they are going to spend a lot of ad spend this could really impact the auctions.

For more information read this article.

Customer types are live

Hana Kobzová found out that Customer types are now live! This function was first spotted by Dario Zannoni.

New Lead Form Audiences

Dario Zannoni found out that Google is releasing Lead Form assets in Google Ads soon.With this audience you’ll have the ability to create audience lists directly from leads collected via Lead Forms.

Meet the expert webinar

Tiago Goncalves shared these great picture with me from meet the expert webinar.

Some take aways:

– use enhanced conversion

– Google needs a combinations of signals to replace cookies

– chrome’s attribution reporting api will be implemented across google ads campaigns to mitigate the impact of the deprecation.

Arpan Banerjee also shared the link with me. For the full webinar make sure to check this video.


Google has launched a new hub with an FAQ on Pmax!

Some of the questions:

Question: Performance Max campaigns can feel like a black box. Why doesn’t it offer channel-level reporting?

Question: I’m looking for lead quality and not just volume. How can I make sure I’m getting high-quality leads from Performance Max?

Question: I don’t want Performance Max to serve on my branded queries. What can I do to stop this?

Question: Can I use assets created using generative AI outside of my Performance Max campaign and Google Ads?

For the answers visit this page.

New Pmax updates

Google has announced the generative AI updates for Pmax:

– Imagen 2 models PMax will be able to generate lifestyle imagery

– Image editing will be able to generate & add backgrounds that feature non-identifiable people

– Soon, you’ll also be able to generate images based on your existing images

– Image editing will complete its US roll out in March and will expand in English globally soon

– Soon Gemini can create sitelinks

– Starting with Canva, PMax will integrate with other design platforms

– The use of product images from Merchant Center listings for auto-generated video is expanding to all eligible PMax campaigns, and video text may also be sourced from automatically created assets, if you’re opted in, to help improve video quality and relevancy.

– Shareable ad previews: Next month, you’ll be able to share previews of your ads from PMax with anyone( no login needed)

– Asset quantity and variety will be more heavily weighted in determining Ad Strength for Performance Max campaigns

For more information read this article.

Recently used

Thomas Eccel found this new attribute recently used in the Pmax column!

Google’s PMaxStellar Masterclass: Key Takeaways

Arpan Banerjee just texted me that the PmaxStellar is live! This video is perfect for everybody that is not familiar with Pmax.

Some subjects:

• Navigating Consumer Behavior & Marketing Evolution

• Launching PMax: A Step-by-Step Guide

• Achieving Marketing Objectives

• Mastering New Customer Acquisition

• The Power of Cross-Channel Bidding

• Campaign Success Through Quality Inputs

• Enhancements for Travel Goals

• Boosting Online Sales

• Optimization Best Practices for PMax

For the full video go to YouTube.

New Pmax series

On Feb 20 Google will kick off a new series: Answering Your Top Questions about Performance Max. I’m still waiting for more information about a URL.

New way to push full Pmax

Thomas Eccel found this new asset group pop-up that pushes users to make a full Pmax Campaign!

Pmax Audit dashboard

During the latest video of Google Marketing Platform Google launched:

– Pmaximizer

– Pmax Audit Dashboard

The Pmaximizer should give you a clear overview:

– Performance

– Asset performance and scoring

– Improving feed data and identifying high and low-performance products

The installation should take 20 minutes to 1 hour.

For the installation you need:

– Google Ads Dev Token

– Google Cloud project

– Technical team member

The Pmax Audit Dashboard:

– find performance gaps

– Assets clarification

– actionable next step

Difference between audit dashboard and Pmaximizer:

– No Ads dev token needed

– But more limited insights

– customization is limited

– No developer needed

The Audit form is only for premium CSS users in EEA + UK + CH who spend at least 300k quarterly.

Worldwide you just need to ask your account team.For more information visit YouTube.

Google Analytics

GA4 has released primary channel group

This is a new channel group that will be the default reporting channel for all channel reports.

Channels are rule-based definitions of your website’s traffic sources that let you monitor the performance of all of the channels sending traffic to your website.

The Primary Channel Group allows you to control your default reporting channel, creating a record of custom channel changes over time for historical reporting purposes, while still maintaining all custom channel groups which reflect the most current definition across all historical data.

Key events

The documentation about key events is live again! I Think that Brais Calvo Vázquez spotted it first and I saw it at Steve Lamar account. Looks like Google is going forward with renaming conversions to key events!

Google Data missing

Some users are complaining about a data gap prior to September 9. Looks like a bug.

Comprehensive list of event parameters for standard events

Dario Zannoni found out that Google has released a comprehensive list of event parameters for standard events! Very useful to check most of the event parameters from automatically collected events, enhanced measurement events, and recommended events.For more information visit this page.

Big Analytics change

Google Analytics is updating its Advertising section to streamline reporting for advertisers and publishers.

This includes consolidating reports, requiring account linking for access, and moving the Publisher ads report to the Advertising section.

The aim is to provide more tailored insights for users across behavioral and advertising/publisher metrics.

The following changes will start rolling out today:

– Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform and publisher reports and features will be located in the Advertising section.

– Access to the Advertising section will require a link to at least one Google Ads, AdSense, AdMob, Google Ad Manager or Google Marketing Platform account.

– The Publisher ads report will move to the Advertising section

The updates:

– Reports section: Offers insights on user engagement to enhance product and user experience.

– Advertising section: Becomes the central hub for monitoring and analyzing campaigns for both advertisers and publishers.

– Explore section, Custom Reports, and Data API: Provide additional behavioral insights and anonymized, aggregated insights from ad campaigns.

New GA4: Consent Settings

Tamás Geiger found these new consent settings in a demo property:

– Ads measurement consent signals

– Ads personalization consent signals

– Verify data consent settings

GA4 – Measurement Protocol update

Brais Calvo Vázquez found out that Geographic information (country, city, etc.) is already propagated to the events sent through the Measurement Protocol! This update began on January 23 to GA4.

Trend detection

Google has introduced trend change detection, a new type of insight that surfaces subtle but long-lasting and important changes in your data. For more information visit this page.

Warning UA360 Users

UA360 users are now being warned to upgrade to GA4!

New data retention feature

Kyle Rushton McGregor spotted the new user data retention feature in GA4!

Link subproperties

Google has added the ability to link your subproperties and roll-up properties with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360.

GA4 update

Google has added user-scoped, session-scopped and event-scoped variations of 8 new platform-agnostic traffic source dimension!

These new dimensions can be applied for paid and organic traffic.And across Google media and third-party media.

These new dimensions are populated based on the UTM parameter values passed in click URLsFor the apps these new UTM values are now passed in the campaign_details event for mobile apps:



For more information go the the GA4 page.

Parameter limit

Google has increased the event parameter limit for event parameter values collected through the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK for Mobile apps from 100 tot 500 characters.

Looker Studio

Google has made some updates to Looker Studio

Product Updates:

Table chart headers now show field descriptions in tooltips when the “Show field descriptions” option is enabled. This feature is automatically activated for charts connected to Looker or Search Ads 360 data sources. Field descriptions are pulled from the Description column in the data source.


Looker Studio release notes will transition to the Google Cloud release notes platform in a few weeks. This change offers enhanced features like RSS feed support and programmatic access using BigQuery, making it easier for customers to stay informed about updates. Users will also have centralized access to updates for related products such as Looker and BigQuery. Historical release notes are preserved on the historical release notes page.

Looker Studio Pro update

You can now use folders and subfolders to organize assets (reports and data sources) in team workspaces if you have access to Looker Studio Pro!

Policy update

Update Financial Products Kenya

In February 2024 Google will update the Financial products and services policy to allow the advertisement of Contracts for Difference and rolling spot forex in Kenya. Advertisers offering such products will be required to be certified by Google before they can advertise through Google Ads.

Political Content Policy update

In March 2024, Google will update its political content policy to include a Mexico Election Ads policy.

Policy update sensitive events

Menachem Ani Ⓜ️ just sent me this message that the policy update for sensitive events also impacts Google Free listings!

Update North Carolina

Google has updated their Gambling and games policy for North Carolina!

Google Ads Misrepresentation Policy

Navah Hopkins just posted this update to the Google Ads misrepresentation policy.

Deprecating Display & Video 360 API v2

Google is deprecating Display & Video 360 API v2 and will sunset v2 on September 3, 2024. Migrate to Display & Video 360 API v3 before the sunset date to avoid an interruption of service.

Gambling and games policy

In February 2024, the Google Ads Gambling and games policy United States country-specifics will be updated. Google will begin to accept and run ads for online casinos from state-authorized entities in Rhode Island beginning February 20, 2024.

Important information Pmax V15 Google Ads API page feeds

Google made this note that outlines changes regarding Performance Max campaigns using page feeds with text asset automation opted out.


Background: In October 2023, Google Ads API v15 introduced the option to automatically generate text assets for campaigns.

This feature requires configuring the Campaign.AssetAutomationSetting of TEXT_ASSET_AUTOMATION to be opted-in or opted-out.Issue Identification: Some developers have set up page feeds or listing group filters for webpages without enabling text asset automation. This combination doesn’t utilize page feeds effectively for Performance Max campaigns.

Action Taken: Starting Feb 15, 2024, Google Ads will flag an error for campaigns with incompatible setups, and from April 15, 2024, it will automatically rectify the issue by removing certain configurations.

What to Do: Developers should confirm if their campaigns are affected by running specific queries and manually adjust the campaign setup if necessary. They can either opt-in to text asset automation or remove associated page feed references.

Support: Additional guidance is provided in the Performance Max guide, and developers can reach out for further assistance through support channels.

Overall, developers need to ensure proper configuration to leverage the benefits of text asset automation with page feeds in Performance Max campaigns. For more information visit this link.

Announced V16 Google Ads API

Google has announced v16 of the Google Ads Api. For all the updates read this link.

Releasing new version Google Ads Script

In April 2024, Google is releasing a new version of Google Ads Scripts that is updated to use Google Ads API v15.

Errors when linking Merchant Center accounts with Google Ads API

During a specific period from February 19th, 04:00 PST to February 20th, 08:00 PST, developers using Google Ads API v14 encountered an issue linking Merchant Center accounts to Google Ads.

This problem caused some requests to return a MutateError.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND error, and ListMerchantCenterLinks might have missed returning some links with a PENDING status.

If you were affected, check for pending link requests during that timeframe. The issue has been resolved, so retry failed calls to complete the linking process.

Also, review ListMerchantCenterLinks for any accounts with a PENDING status that might not have been returned previously. For assistance, visit the Google Ads API support page.

Teeth whitening products update

Arpan Banerjee just send me this update for Teeth whitening product. In the UK you can now advertise with products that contain equal to or less than 6% hydrogen peroxide. Before this was 0.01%.

Update financial products

Google is updating its Personalized ads policy to include new restrictions on personalized advertising related to consumer financial products and services. This expansion affects the “Credit in personalized ads” policy, which will now cover “Consumer finance in personalized ads.”

The updated policy prohibits targeting sensitive interest categories such as consumer finance to audiences based on gender, age, parental status, marital status, or ZIP code in the United States and Canada.

This includes offers for credit, banking products, financial planning, and management services.

Enforcement of the policy begins on February 28, 2024, with a grace period of approximately six weeks before full enforcement. Violations will be met with warnings prior to any account suspension.

February 2024 update to Display & Video 360 API

Google has announced that in February 2024 they will update the Display & Video 360 API.

This update includes the following features:

Added functionality:

– the firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.editCustomerMatchMembers method to allow for the explicit removal of audience members.

– Support for new exchanges.

Pausing March 11

Starting March 11, 2024 Google will roll out a permanent change that automatically pauses ad groups that were created at least 13 months ago and have not had impressions in the past 13 months.

February finished

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