Deprecation of Full Path and Path Attribution reports in Bid Manager API 

Starting May 1, 2024, requests to retrieve, create, or run Full Path and Path Attribution reports through the Bid Manager API will return an error.

Google deprecated both report types in February 2024. Google announced this deprecation last November.

After deprecation, running a query using the ReportType FULL_PATH or PATH_ATTRIBUTION generates an empty report.

Existing Query and Report resources of these types are still retrievable, and report files generated previously will still be available.

Starting on May 1, 2024:

ReportType values FULL_PATH or PATH_ATTRIBUTION and the pathQueryOptions field will sunset.

As a result:

– queries.create requests using these values or fields will return an INVALID_ARGUMENT error,
– queries.get, queries.delete, and queries.reports.get requests retrieving resources using these types will return a NOT_FOUND error,
– and queries.list and queries.reports.list responses will not include resources using these types.

Google has added these details to our change log. To avoid an interruption of service, Google recommends that you stop creating, retrieving, or running any reports using these values before the applicable sunset date.

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