Google Ads news week 31

Below you find all the Google Ads news from week 31

Similar Audiences

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On Tuesday all similar audiences were removed. This is due to the phasing out of third-party cookies and user privacy.

Optimized targeting will replace similar audiences. This feature is automatically turned on for all campaigns.

New setting Google Ads

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Dario Zannoni & Yoann FERRAND found out that there is now an optimized targeting and audience expansion on-off switch.

You can find it in the audience tab.

GA4 SKad Network Integration

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Thomas Eccel found out that the GA4 SKad Network Integration is out. With this integration, you can measure Apple devices better.

By configuring conversion values, users can:

– enable the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK to automatically set values for new installs

– export your schema to a linked Google Ads accounts for bidding optimization.

For more information read this article.

Update Google Ads Gambling and games policy Brazil

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On August 28, 2023, the Google Ads Gambling and games policy Brazil country-specifics will be updated.

From this day Google will begin to accept ads for Sports Betting and Daily Fantasy Sports operators.

View rate insights

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This week Benjamin Vandenberghe found out that view rate insights are now split up by platform.

Campaign Manager integration GA4

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Charles Farina found out that the Campaign Manager integration for Google Analytics 4 is rolling out now!

This future is now free previously only available in the 360(paid) version.

Video enhancements beta feature

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Tiago Goncalves found out that the new video enhancements beta feature is activated by default. This is something to check if you run video campaigns.

If you want to opt out read this article.

IAB’s TCF requirement

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From January 16, 2024, Google Ads will no longer bid on EEA or UK web and app personalized ads inventory that does not comply with the IAB’s TCF requirement.

This means that publishers and developers using Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob will be required to use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that has been certified by Google.

PMax updates

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Thomas Eccel found out that when you switch from DSA to PMax that you can exclude URLs and make URL rules.

He also found Page Feeds live in his account.

5 Ads

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Google has a bug where it is showing 5 Ads instead of 4! Google found this bug and is going to fix it.

New GA4 features focused on better App campaign performance

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Google officially announced some new GA4. Some features were already found by users. Below you see the new features.

New audience features:

– New unnotified users suggested audience

– Seamlessly re-use app and web audiences

– Access Google Analytics 4 Audience Builder in Google Ads.

Focused on iOS campaign measurement and performance:

– Geo-based conversion lift measurement

– On-device conversion measurement:

– Integrations with SKAdNetwork.

Other features:

– App advertisers now have the ability to use additional consented, signed-in data to automatically optimize App campaign performance

– Introduced a new privacy-safe URL parameter (gbraid) to enable better iOS app conversion measurement for web campaigns which deep link users into an app.

Product Studio Generative AI

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David Kyle got invited to the new product studio generative AI Image tool. Looks like Google is rolling out this pilot.

Data protection terms

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Google is updating the data protection terms On September 1, 2023. This update comes after the European Commission adopted the new adequacy decision for safe and trusted EU-US data flows.

New Appeal form

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If you have a trademark policy violation you now need to fill in an appeal form. This new form came with a new trademark restriction.

New Local Search Ad Format

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Anthony Higman found this new Local Search Ad format test.

New reports & insights

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In one of my accounts I find new data in the week-over-week report & insights that I could not find in my other accounts, they are called: performance shifts and performance changes.

Audience Report

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Some users already saw the new audience report a week ago but now Google has officially announced this new report.

New format AAR

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Boris Beceric ✅ received this new format where Google is again pushing AAR’s. Always be careful with these recommendations.

Digital Ads Benchmark Report Q2 2023

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Tinuiti has released the Digital Ads Benchmark Report Q2 2023.

Some findings:

– Google search ads grew 11% Y/Y

– click growth 11% Y/Y 

– average cost per click flat 

– Shopping spend rose 11% Y/Y 

– Shopping CPC -2%


For all the information download the benchmark report.

Add video without uploading to Youtube Channel

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Dario Zannoni found out that in some Google Ads accounts it is now possible to add videos without uploading them to an official Youtube channel.

Reusable audiences

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Tiago Goncalves found out that Discovery Campaigns will be fully upgraded from audience segments to reusable audiences soon.

New Google top Ad format

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Jeannie Hill saw this new Google Ad top format in the generative search experience.

Looker studio updates

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Looker Studio has released some new updates:

– new boxplot chart

– new candlestick chart

– new waterfall chart

– improved thumbnail images

For more information check this article.

RSA Guide

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Yesterday Google released a guide for Responsive Search Ads. For more information download this guide.

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