Google Ads news – June Recap

Google Ads news

Feed Segmenter event

This week Google held the Feed Segmenter event. In this event they showed how you can use a tool from Google to segment your Pmax campaign!

If you want to learn how and why to use this tool, you can find the slides from this event back here.

Click Tracker Certification update

Arpan Banerjee found out that Google is adjusting the application period for its Click Tracker Certification program. Submissions will now be accepted from September 1 to November 30 annually, effective 2024 and beyond.

Update online pharmacies in Estonia and Lithuania.

In June 2024, the Google Ads Healthcare and medicines policy will be updated to allow online pharmacies to promote their services in Estonia and Lithuania.

Deprecation publisherReviewStatuses field

Google has Deprecated publisherReviewStatuses field in the Display & Video 360 API.

Goodbye UI Google ADS

On August 30 the old Google UI will go away…

Are you tired of creating multiple video ads for different formats and audiences?

Christoph Scherf just shared a new open-source solution, ViGenAiR.

Using Gemini on Google Cloud, ViGenAiR automatically transforms existing video ads into shorter versions, in various ad formats, and tailored to different audiences.

More information on GitHub

2 new GA4 updates

You can now see the last 5 minutes in real time & you can now link Floodlight with GA4 sub properties and rollup properties.

Feed rules coming to Merchant Center Next

Dario Zannoni found this new article that indicates that feed rules are coming to MCN. For more information check this article.

Analytics menu?

Casey Gill found out that Google is testing with a different menu in GMC. In this menu, they are calling the information Analytics instead of performance.

New Google Ads Advisors Community

Boris Beceric ✅ ✅ got this mail to join the Google Ads Advisors Community, good improvement from Google to get more feedback from users!

New Court Case

A UK court has now ruled that Google must face a $17 billion lawsuit alleging it wields too much power over the online advertising market. For more information read this article.

Google Ads API v17

Google has announced the Google Ads API v17. For the full list of changes go to this website.

Separation of Skillshop Google Ads/GMP/GA & Skillshop Other Topics

Georgi Zayakov just sent me that the Skillshop content is now split into two categories: Skillshop Google Ads/GMP/GA and Skillshop Other Topics, each on different platforms.

New Brand Recommendations

Google has announced that Brand Recommendations powered by Google AI are now live on the Recommendations page of Google Ads.

These tailored Brand Recommendations are designed for both awareness and consideration campaigns (CPM and CPV) and will appear alongside existing performance-related recommendations for cost-per-action campaigns, offering advertisers a full spectrum of optimization choices.

Brand Recommendations are part of the Recommendations section in Google Ads that analyzes the advertiser’s account history, campaign settings, and trends to automatically generate suggestions to improve campaign effectiveness and performance.

These recommendations help advertisers achieve their campaign goals with the latest Google Ads best practices.

Advertisers can now use the Recommendations page to optimize their CPM or CPV campaigns for maximum brand impact.

The recommendations are customized and constantly updated, so it’s important to check them frequently.

The new categories of Brand Recommendations:

Ads and assets: Enhance brand ads, create new ads, show the best-performing ads more often, and organize ads better.

– Add Bumper Ads

– Include video aspect ratio

– Funnel up with a Brand Campaign

Bidding and Budgets: Find the right bid strategy and ensure campaigns aren’t limited by bids or budgets.

– Adjust CPM Budgets for flighted budgets

– Adjust CPV Budgets for flighted budgets

– Adjust tCPM Bids

Keywords and Targeting: Reach more people interested in the advertiser’s offerings.

– in to audience expansion

– Create a new Ad Group without contextual targeting

Measurement: Unlock additional reporting features for better campaign performance insights.

– Link your YouTube account in Google AdsAdvertisers can check their Google Ads account and click on any active CPM or CPV campaigns to see if any recommendations appear today.

Adopting Brand Recommendations is part of best practices to maximize brand campaign success.

Rollout Brand Restrictions

Brand Restrictions are now rolling out found by Yacine Hichri!

New Looker Studio updates

Google has just released new Looker Studio updates.

Transit Time Label is back

Emmanuel Flossie found out that the Transit Time Label page is back! Looks like this attribute will stay.

Create and Manage campaigns in Merchant Center

Thomas Eccel found out that you can now create and manage campaigns in Merchant Center.

Summer of AI

Google has launched a new program Accelerate with Google called “Summer of AI Essentials”.

This program is aimed at helping advertisers supercharge their campaigns with AI tools.

Update advertiser verification program

In June 2024, Google will update the advertiser verification program to add a new optional verification to verify the affiliation of the advertiser/individual with the organization they are verifying.

Gambling and Games policy update

On July 8, 2024, Google will update its Gambling and Games policy to remove Italy from the list of permitted countries for Social Casino Games. Consequently, advertising of Social Casino Games in Italy will be prohibited effective July 8, 2024.


Annotations and some other features are coming soon to GA4. Picture credit to Brais Calvo Vázquez!

Brand restriction PDF & Live

Jordan Fry found these documents about brand restrictions.

With brand restrictions, Google is pushing more value-based bidding + broad match for brand search campaigns!

Below you find an example of the live function.

Changes to content API

Georgi Zayakov just sent me that: Google is shutting down the current support path: Effective June 10, 2024, the support email address (shopping-api-support) and the Developer Forum will no longer accept support questions.

New support paths:

– To reach our “Content API for Shopping” support team, please use our new Contact Us Form: link here

– To reach our “Comparison Shopping Services API” support team, please use this Contact Us Form: link here

– Going forward, these will be the only support paths available.

GA4 Attribution update

Arpan Banerjee just sent me this message that Google is improving the attribution models over the next two weeks to improve the accuracy of conversion credit for paid search campaigns!

More Ad formats coming to Google TV

More and more people are gaining the feature to advertise on Connected TV.

The Google TV network provides targeted ads across more than 125 built-in channels, including live sports, TV shows, and movies. In the U.S., 60% of households watch free, ad-supported streaming services, with Google TV viewers spending an average of over 75 minutes per day on free channels.

Currently, the Google TV network offers standard Connected TV ad formats like non-skippable ads and 6-second bumper ads, with more formats to come.

Advertisers can integrate the Google TV network into their YouTube ad buys via Google Ads and Google Display & Video 360, enabling comprehensive planning, buying, and measurement of digital video campaigns.

Conversion paths report change

Jordan Fry found out that video impressions are now part of the conversion paths report, enhancing your understanding of YouTube’s role in your marketing strategy.

Before the report only included click and engaged-view conversions.


– Video impressions are now included in the Paths report.

– Get insights into how video ads influence user journeys.

– This change does not affect bidding or Data-Driven Attribution (DDA); it is solely for reporting purposes.

Google Analytics 4 now supports custom event data import.

With this feature, you can use a combination of standard fields and event-scoped custom dimensions to join and analyze imported event metadata with your existing Analytics data. For more information read this article.

Ad Manager update

Google Ad Manager is introducing updates to give publishers more control over direct sales ads on their reserved ad inventory.

These updates, based on partner feedback, include:

Creative-Level Ad Badging Controls: Publishers can disable ad badging disclosures for specific ads they manage.

Badging Scope Options: Publishers can choose whether ad badging appears worldwide or only in the European Economic Area.

Mute This Ad Sunset: The “Mute This Ad” feature will be removed for reservation ads to simplify the system.

These changes aim to reduce complexity and improve the ad experience by ensuring ads appear as intended and comply with regional regulations.

Despite the increased flexibility, publishers must still adhere to relevant ad regulations. The updates will be rolled out later this year.

Pmax Google Ads API workshop

Google is holding an upcoming workshop on July 17 for Pmax and the Google Ads API. You can register here.

Policy update

In June 2024, Google will update its Healthcare and medicines policy to allow advertisers to discuss opioid painkillers without promoting or selling them.

For example, the update will allow advertisers who want to discuss public policy solutions for opioid painkiller abuse to do so if they have a new certification.

Removed box Server-Side container

Tika Spijkerman found out that Google has removed the box from server-side to include user-provided information in your Ads tag!

If you send user-provided information through your web-based container, it now gets included by default…!

Google is testing new methods to control Ad Blockers

Google will do everything it can to stop Adblockers and to increase ad revenue income from YouTube. This is an overall trend since they focus heavily on YouTube. For more information read this article.

Feed labels in the campaign process

Hana Kobzová found out that in some of her accounts, she can now select feed labels when creating a Pmax campaign.

I have seen this already before but she has not, so looks like some users still do not have access to this option, but it is slowly rolling out further.

Google Ads API v17

Starting with Google Ads API v17, the BatchJobService now supports AssetGroupOperation, allowing batch processing to create and manage entire Performance Max campaigns.

Batch processing is a powerful feature in the Google Ads API that allows you to send a set of operations, which might be interdependent, to multiple services simultaneously.

This feature includes automatic retries for transient errors and automatic grouping of operations.

Update the default User acquisition and Traffic acquisition

Google has updated the default User acquisition and Traffic acquisition reports to include the User key event rate and Session key event rate metrics.

New call asset & location test

Anthony Higman found out that Google is testing with this new call asset & location asset!

Google officially launched these new Looker Studio updates

Group Others Feature in Various Chart Types

The “Group Others” setting allows aggregation of data that falls outside specified limits into an “Others” category, facilitating comparison against the rest of the data.

This feature is available for:

– Table charts- Time series charts

– Bar and column charts- Pie charts

– Line and combo charts

– Area charts- Pivot table charts

– Treemap charts- Expanded Data Label Customization

The Style tab’s Data label section now offers enhanced customization, including options for font type, color, size, styling, background color, opacity, and border radius.

These options apply to:

– Area charts- Bar and column charts

– Line and combo charts

– Time series charts

New Bin Calculated Field TypeA new “Bin” calculated field type allows for the creation of numeric tiers for dimensions without using CASE WHEN expressions or SQL logic.

Color by Tooltip Option for Timeline ChartsA new “Color by tooltip” option lets users color timeline charts based on tooltip dimension values.

Google has made an update for Display & Video 360

A new selection process for insertion order objectives will set default KPIs, line item types, and bid strategies within an insertion order, simplifying the workflow and ensuring alignment with the overall goal.

This helps Display & Video 360 provide AI-powered optimizations and recommendations tailored to the specified KPI.

Existing insertion orders will have objectives assigned based on their current bidding strategies and line item types.

After creation, users can change the objective to “No objective,” making all KPIs, line item types, and bid strategies available.

Payment change for certain high-spenders

Jeremy Brandt shared this email that told him that some high-spending advertisers need to transite from credit or debit card payments to bank-based payments by July 31….

Sitelink change

Alex Pegg & Scott Carruthers found out that Google is testing with another color for sitelinks!

Uber Expands Journey Ads

Uber has expanded Journey Ads to new platforms like Google’s Display & Video 360, The Trade Desk, and Yahoo DSP.

This means that more Advertisers can now purchase display and video ads on the app and target consumers across three distinct phases of their trip.

Digital coupons are now live

Hana Kobzová found out that Digital coupons are now live in Google Ads. This new feature was announced in March.

Edit Funnel Reports

Julie Brade & 🛰️ Yoann FERRAND found out that Google has released the possibility to edit funnel reports in GA4!

Google Sheet > Looker Studio

Brais Calvo Vázquez found out that it is now possible to create a Looker Studio report directly from Google Sheets.

Reminder surcharges changes

Just a reminder from Google that Google will begin charging updated surcharges for ads served in Italy, Spain, and Türkiye on 1 July.

Google expands brand safety and suitability

IAS expands brand safety and suitability measurement for Youtube to include Pmax and Demand Gen.

GA4 – Advertising Segments

Brais Calvo Vázquez found out that Google has added the tools section to Advertising.

This report shows GA4 audience sizes over the past 30 days across each of the following networks:

– Search

– YouTube

– Display

– Gmail

Deprecation Buy On Google Data

Kirk Williams just got this email notification for the Buy on Google Data deprecation. Make sure to download your data in Google Merchant Center before July 17:)

Instacart Youtube Ads

Instacart has announced a new feature that allows consumers to purchase products directly from YouTube ads.

End UI Google Ads

Google is now really showing the end date of the Old Google Ads Design.

Change imported conversion

Felix Mayo just sent me this imported conversion design that now has a data integration section. I haven’t seen this before!

Added support for managing keyword targeting

Google has added support for managing keyword targeting assigned at the advertiser level for DV 360. For more information go to this page.

User messages different state launch

Google has launched user messages for Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah privacy laws in AdSense in addition to California.

Advertising segment statement

Official Google has now launched the advertising segment in GA4. Here you can see if an audience segment is big enough to retarget.

Image editing live

Brent Neale found out that the image editing tool is now live in his Ads account!

Change in definition Merchant Center

Merchant Center is switching from the word feed to data source.

AdExchanger thinks that this switch shows that ” Google is becoming less reliant on information provided by the brand or merchant to inform its marketing services.

Rather than rely on the account’s product feed, for instance, Google Merchant Center pulls data from the site and app and interprets it for itself”

For more information read this article.

Instant reports

Instant reports will soon be available using Bid Manager API.

New contact option

Arpan Banerjee found out that for the contact options, Google now requires an End Customer Company Name field!

Conversion recorded time

Parth Shah found out that modeled conversions can be assigned up to 12 days after the conversions are recorded!

If you have a lot of modeled conversions keep in mind that you want to look at a solid previous time frame. For more information go to his post.

GA4 Ecom Attributor

Christoph Scherf announced that Google has released a new open-source solution, called GA4 Ecom Attributor.

This new tool helps you send Item list and promotion data easier, making your monetization reports more actionable & insightful for alle-commerce events.

For more information go to this page.

Subscriptions and Engagement

Thomas Eccel found this campaign goal, looks like the Subscriptions and Engagement goal is rolling further out!

I saw this feature first about a month ago when Shailesh Kabra ✅ sent me a picture.

With the YouTube campaign types or goals it really looks like Google is always rolling these out slowly.

Merchant Next Center update

Victor Sellés Guillemat shared that:

– Starting in July, most accounts will begin migrating to Next.

– Google confirmed the inclusion of “Supplemental feeds” and “Feed rules”.

– The new “Add-ons” section will be used to activate complex functions such as Google Customer Reviews, Google Product Reviews, and Local Inventory Ads, among others.

– The “Countries” tab will show the status and improvement actions to be carried out in all countries.

– It will be possible to create and manage campaigns directly from the Merchant Center without having to access Google Ads.

Consolidating content suitability

Menachem Ani Ⓜ️ found out that Google is consolidating the content suitability section for YouTube and Display starting in September!

The changes:

– Some content label exclusions will be removed for YouTube ads (DL-G, DL-PG, DL-T, DL-MA, “not yet labeled”)

– “Embedded YouTube videos”, “Live streaming”, and “Families” exclusions will only be available account-wide

– Many topic-based exclusions are still offered at the campaign and ad group levels

YouTube is again gaining more revenue

Buying YouTube Premium in Turkey or Ukraine? That could be over soon. Google is now reportedly canceling YouTube Premium subscriptions purchased using VPNs to access lower prices.

Merchant Center Promotions

In H2 Google will expand Merchant Promotions to the new countries:

– SE

– CH

– DK

– AT

– SG

– VN

– NZ

– ID

– TH

– MY

– PH

GA 360 Change

As a Google Analytics 360 administrator, you can now include Google Marketing Platform (GMP) groups in recipient lists when you send reports by email via the ‘Schedule Email’ and ‘Send Email’ share options.

New Google Advice

Mason Werner found what looks to be a piece of new advice from Google. In this picture, they are recommending measuring conversions based on your website builder.

Big LSA change

Matt McGee found out that Local Services Ads are coming on Google Maps! This is a big change.

YouTube permission change

Georgi Zayakov just send me that YouTube will soon ask iOS users if they want to opt into “more personalized advertising” with an App Tracking Transparency (ATT) prompt.

Generative AI Automatically Created Assets

Anthony Higman found out that Google is launching Automatically Created Assets at the campaign level using generative AI.

Automatically Created Assets will leverage your ads using generative AI.

Google says that this will enhance your RSA (Responsive Search Ads) ad strength and fill in the gaps in your RSAs.It‘s still unclear when these will roll out.

Advertising report UI

Thomas Eccel found out that Google has updated the UI of the Advertising report! This new design encourages you to select an Advertising Report or Publishing Report.

Google Linking Services

Mike Ryan found out that Google is already persuading users to link the services if you have not linked them.

ACA To Ad level

Wow, Google is bringing Automatically created assets to the Ad level. Found by Anthony Higman.

Suggests auto-generated images Pmax

Joey Huijsmans just sent me that when adding images to Pmax ads. In the absence of horizontal images, Google Ads suggests auto-generated images from vertical assets with a blurred background. Had not noticed this before.

Automated lead credits for LSAs

Google is introducing automated lead credits for Local Services Ads (LSAs) starting in July.

This change aims to improve efficiency and fairness for advertisers, particularly benefiting those with limited resources by automatically crediting poor-quality leads without the need for manual disputes.

Key points include:

– Machine learning models will review all leads.

– Invalid leads will be credited automatically, usually within 30 days.

– Manual disputes for lead credits will no longer be necessary.”Job type not serviced” and “geo not serviced” leads will not be credited.

– More leads are expected to be credited on average.

– Healthcare verticals and EMEA advertisers are excluded from this system.

Advertisers are encouraged to use the Lead Feedback survey to help enhance future lead quality.

This move highlights Google’s increased use of AI for quality control in its advertising services.

Cross-Media Reach Measurement Tool

Google Ads has introduced a new tool called Cross-Media Reach Measurement.

This tool helps advertisers measure deduplicated, on-target reach and frequency across their video campaigns on YouTube and TV, providing a comprehensive view of their brand campaigns.

Key Features:

– Reach and Frequency: Measures unique users who have seen the ads across different devices, formats, sites, apps, and networks.

– Efficiency: Compares the efficiency of YouTube campaigns with traditional


– Digital Video Only: Available in all countries, measures digital video reach and frequency.

– Digital Video + TV: Available in selected countries, measures both digital video and TV reach and frequency using third-party data sources.


– Go to the Measurement menu in Google Ads and select Cross-Media Reach.

– Choose the country and video campaigns.

– Run the report and adjust for age, gender, and time periods up to 92 days.

This tool provides advertisers with valuable insights to inform their video campaign planning and optimize their advertising investments.

Swiss consent mode July 31

Starting July 31, 2024, in compliance with the EU User Consent Policy, partners using Search Ads publisher products (AdSense for Search, AdSense for Domains, and Programmable Search Engine) must adhere to new consent management requirements when serving ads to users in Switzerland, as well as the EEA and the UK.

Partners must either:- Use a certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) that integrates with the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF), or- Implement the “ivt” parameter in ad requests to allow ads using an invalid traffic-only cookie and local storage for both consented and unconsented traffic.

If these conditions are not met for Swiss traffic, search ads will not be served. Partners are responsible for ensuring the tools they use for gathering consent comply with relevant regulations.

Google will support partners during this transition. Partners should review the new consent management requirements and ensure their CMPs support TCF for Swiss traffic is already in use for the EEA and UK.

New shopping tools

Google Introduces New Shopping Tools Ahead of Summer SalesGoogle is enhancing its shopping features to assist consumers in navigating the upcoming summer sales, catering to the growing interest in online deals.

Key updates include:

Updated Deals Destination: Displays the latest deals from various retailers in a carousel format, organized by product categories, accessible on both mobile and desktop in the U.S.

Membership Price Display: Shows regular prices alongside discounted prices for loyalty program members, available for retailers like BestBuy, Petco, and Minted.

These updates may prompt retail advertisers to emphasize deals and special offers to feature in these new tools.

With 44% of shoppers indicating that deal days encourage them to shop more, these features aim to help consumers find the best discounts using Google’s extensive Shopping Graph, which includes 45 billion product listings.

Overall, Google is positioning itself as a central hub for deal-hunting, potentially increasing its significance in the e-commerce landscape.

UA error Looker Studio?

Isak Hedram found out that Looker studio is now showing a warning that this report uses UA data. In his case, it was not UA data but the announcement is new.

New tRoas Insight Box

Thomas Eccel found this new tROAS Insight Box for Pmax and Standard Shopping in Ads. Interesting insight!

New Brand inclusions

Brent Neale discovered that Google has released brand inclusions for search.

Your campaign will only serve for queries associated with the brands you select — available for Search campaigns.

France Healthcare and medicines policy

In August 2024, the Google Ads Healthcare and medicines policy will be updated to introduce a certificate for public health and safety awareness campaigns in France.

Consent signals?

Orestis Piskioulis found this Missing consent Signal status. Have not seen this before anybody else?

Google Search term update

Recent updates have boosted broad match performance by 10% for Smart Bidding advertisers. Besides the broad match update Google has released four key updates to query matching and brand controls:

Key Updates:

Brand Inclusions in Broad Match:

New Recommendation: Easily identify and apply brand inclusions on your Recommendations page to limit traffic to selected brands while benefiting from broad match.

Brand Exclusions Across All Match Types and DSA:

Expanded Control: Exclude specific brands across all match types and Dynamic Search Ads to prevent ads from showing on undesired brand traffic, including misspellings and variants.

Increased Visibility in Search Terms Report:

Improved Reporting: Misspelled search queries are now reported with their correct spellings, making 9% more search terms visible on average.

Simplified Management of Misspelled Searches:

Easier Exclusions: One negative keyword can now exclude all misspellings, simplifying the process of blocking unwanted traffic.

These updates provide greater visibility and control, optimizing ad performance and driving better business outcomes.

New recommended events

Brais Calvo Vázquez just posted that Igor Souza and Pablo Urueña found these new recommended events.

GBP Automated image assets exempt?

Anthony Higman discovered that it looks like GBP automated image assets are exempt from image asset requirements.

One week to review LSA pictures

Anthony Higman found out that it can now take up to a week to review LSA pictures!

Download Recommendations?

Small changes are also changes, PPCGreg found out that you cannot download recommendations anymore in his UI.

Diagnostics tool launch GA4

Arpan Banerjee just texted me that Google has officially added a new Tag Diagnostics tool to help you find and fix issues with your website’s tags so you can ensure your data collection is accurate.

You can access the tool from the Google tag settings and on the landing page of Tag Manager when issues are detected.

Product Studio Expansion and Feature Enhancements

June 2024 updates:

Product Studio is now available to merchants in the UK, India, and Japan.

Accessible to Merchant Center Next accounts in the US, UK, CA, AU, IN, and JP.Use the AI-powered tools via Merchant Center Next or the Google & YouTube app on Shopify.

New Updates:

File Upload: Upload new product images directly to Product Studio. Generate studio or lifestyle scenes and add them to your online store or download them for marketing channels.

New Themes: Introduced seasonal templates for wedding and vacation scenes. New holiday and seasonal themes will be added throughout the year.

Upcoming Features: Transform static images into eye-catching videos. Instantly generate visuals that match your brand’s style from one reference image.

Diagnostics tool GTM

Google has released the container tag diagnostics tool now officially for GTM!

Upcoming Reporting Updates for July 2024

Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360:User ID Redaction: Starting July 2024, user IDs in Data Transfer files for Florida, Texas, and Oregon will be redacted due to new privacy legislation. Montana will follow in October 2024. This mirrors similar actions taken for California’s CCPA in 2020.

Conversion Modeling Updates:Safari 17+ Traffic: Conversion modeling for Safari 17+ traffic will be updated in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360, estimated for July 2024.

YouTube CTV Traffic: Conversion modeling for Display & Video 360 will now estimate conversions for YouTube CTV traffic, also estimated for July 2024.

Display & Video 360:Offline Reports Migration: Starting July 2024, customers will be migrated from offline to instant reporting in phases. Notifications will be sent within Display & Video 360.

Deprecation of Anonymous Inventory Modeling Dimension: The Anonymous Inventory Modeling (AIM) dimension will be deprecated.

Misconfigured Creative Tracking Events: If a misconfiguration exists between linked Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 accounts, tracking events for third-party creatives using the ${DC_DBM_TOKEN} macro with Requires ping for attribution will be dropped, leading to incorrect attribution in Campaign Manager 360 reports.

Exchange Name Change: The “YouTube & partners” exchange name will be changed to “Google & Network,” estimated for July 2024.

Time of Day Reporting: All hours will be reported as two-digit values (e.g., “00”, “01”, etc.) to allow proper sorting, estimated for July 2024.

Insertion Order Goal Renaming: The term “Goal” will be replaced by “KPI” (Key Performance Indicator) in insertion orders, affecting the UI, SDF, reporting, and the API, estimated for July 2024.

SA360 legacy connector & the SA360 Reporting API discontinuing

Francesco Greco just texted me that Google is discontinuing the SA360 legacy connector on June 30 & the SA360 Reporting API will be shut down.

Supermetrics / Dataslayer and all the other connectors are having issues now because of this.

Supplemental Feed MCN

🛰️ Yoann Ferrand wrote that Emma J. discovered that the Supplemental Feed feature is now available in Merchant Center Next. To check if it’s available in your account, you can go to Settings > Add-ons.

June finished

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