New Merchant Center news!

So I missed some news today on the Merchant Center changes from today:

Changes Starting July 31, 2024:

Extension of delivery cost requirement to additional countries: Delivery cost will now be mandatory and enforced in India and New Zealand. Offers without delivery cost will be disapproved in these countries.

Changes Starting September 1, 2024:

Optional pickup method for local inventory ads (LIAs): Merchants using LIAs with pick-up features will no longer be required to specify a collection method [pickup_method], simplifying inventory handling.

Removal of energy efficiency class attributes: The energy efficiency class attributes will be deprecated in favor of the certification attribute, aligning with updated EU energy efficiency labeling regulations.

Discontinuation of price attribute usage for deposits in combination with the installment attribute: Previously, the price attribute was used for deposit pricing in installment payments.

With the addition of the deposit sub-attribute for the installment attribute, support for providing deposits via the price attribute will cease after September 1.

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